get feeling better alright? and for gods sake woman, go to sleep!! LoL! Im just kidding, its good that you finally did it. Hope you enjoy the freedom!
i'm officially single.
i don't know how to feel exactly.
thank you to everyone who has been so sweet and kind and supportive of me, you have no idea how much it's meant to me.
get feeling better alright? and for gods sake woman, go to sleep!! LoL! Im just kidding, its good that you finally did it. Hope you enjoy the freedom!
if you are in the portland oregon area...have a camcorder, and some major free time.
im looking to make a small movie project.
let me know if you are interested
If you are in the portland ORegon area...have a camcorder, and some major free time. Im looking to make a small movie project. Let me know if you are interested
what are the funniest movies that make you just die laughing?
feel free to include some quotes!
here are mine (list subject to change) .
Mallrats: Hoochie boochie fellas, time to lighten you asses UP!
Undercover Brother: Time to platform outta here.....Damn duck shoes
Monty python and the Holy Grail: There are some trials you should not have to endure. "but I think I can handle this one" "no you cant." "at least let me try!"
i need a web server, about 5 megs of space, and cgi and (or) php(ftp woulkd be great too).
i have a comcast server, and my dads yahoo server...but neither supports cgi or php, so thats my main need.
just a subdomain or something, i dont need a domain name...just something simple.
I need a web server, about 5 megs of space, and CGI and (or) PHP(ftp woulkd be great too). I have a comcast server, and my dads yahoo server...but neither supports CGI or PHP, so thats my main need. Just a subdomain or something, i dont need a domain name...just something simple
thanks in advance!
no epiphany whatsoever, but i was pondering this subject tonight on my way back home from work.. there are many subjects on the matter of health, and of course: post jw, our mental health.. for most of you, how would you rate your present mental health?.
comparitively, our physical health, depending upon what ails us, we can generally heal and feel better after brief or extended recovery time.. mental health on the other hand, is definitely long lasting.. i've been almost 20 years outside of the jws, but i think it nearly took me that entire 20 years to get where i am today.. sad, but true.
anyone like to contribute their thoughts on this matter.. thank you.
heh..mental health getting better..or worse, its hard to tell these days.
it's true folks.
he brought down those pillars and took down everybody with him.
i'm afraid the bible encourages suicide bombing...lol
heh, tahts great stuff
just wanted to let everyone know that today, piph and i attended the last day of our last borg assembly ever!
the feeling walking out was wonderful.
my heart kind of sank a little when i remembered that i still had to attend meetings for a little over a month.
I'll know that feeling..soon enough...congrats though, on it being your last one. I walk out of every meeting with that same feeling!
i just watched this documentary tonight and enjoyed it.
it's amazing to me the number of gun-related murders in the us... over 11,000 in one year.
i don't remember the exact figure, but canada, japan, and germany combined had less than 500 gun-related murders.
that was one of th emost enlightning dvds i have ever seen. very well done, and yet very astouding.
one of the cornerstones of jw's is counsel.
they just love to give counsel and many times they will literally make things up just for the sake of counsel.
i was once counselled for joking around too much.
sideburns past the bottom of my ear, not talking to people enough, talking to people TOO much (wtf am I supposed to do you dumbasses!), not shaving a five oclock shadow before i came to a meeting, standing at the back of the hall when my legs were hurting so badly that I couldnt bend them (i was growing, and I am again...6'4 here I come!)
my goodness....im gonna lose it...
jw's can be rotten, but what about the "brutally honest" jw strangers at assemblies?
i have had some issues with the general meaness jw's are to people that they do not even know, and are jw's.. example 1: i was maybe 13 years old and i was a fast developer, i had big boobs basically.
well a dress i had was really nice...my parents would not have let me wear something that was not apprepriate for me, but i guess the dress was low (i didn't think so) and when i was in the bathroom at the assembly at the mirror, a woman just came up to me and was like "you are showing all the assets you have to offer" or something to that effect.
ironicly, that happened to me just today.
first of all, you need to know im bi-polar type 2 for this story to make any sense. Okay, I started out having a bad day, cold water ect, and I wasnt feeling like talking to anyone becuase hey, it was just one of the 'down' sorta days.
a sister comes up to where i was sdtanding outside all alone (becasue i didnt wanna talk to anyone, and says
"You should really go and and talk to people instead of standing out here like a lonor with some sort of disease!"
I wanted to just fucking kick her skull in, i swear. it made me so mad.
btw, her name was Debra Patton, feel free to call and annoy, lol