Topics Started by CaptK
TMS 2007 or Daily txt 2007
by CaptK indoes anybody have the school schedule for 2007 or day's txt on computer software ?
i am looking all over for this?
any help would be greatly appreciated.. .
Anyone from Tampa, Fla
by CaptK in.
is anyone from the central florida (tampa) i need information on a special person.
thanks to all who reply
Re-instatement - How long ex - elders?
by CaptK ini am a white male and was d'fed in late 2000. i started attending the sunday talk and wt for the last two years.
my old congregation was merged into a new congregation following the years that i was gone (downsizing yes) with now all the elders are another race than myself.
i wrote a re-instatement letter in mid dec...which the elders never answered till mid jan... for a committee hearing.
WT CD 2005
by CaptK indoes anybody have the 2005 wt cd that they can make an iso image or mail me the cd?
i have the 2003 and i think there is an updated version.
Invatation Snubs - Anybody?
by CaptK inmy mother who has been a jw for over 50 yrs, was sent an invatation to an elder's son high school graduation party.
however it was addressed to just her alone not including her husband who is not a witness but a nice guy just no jw.
the elder's son has yet to speak to my mother at the meetings even a hello or a casual conversation.
We want workers not....
by CaptK ini was at the meeting the other day and the po made a coment saying " we want workers not seat sitters" we'll what did he mean by that.
is this another expression of do more more more and if the person next to you is not not then drop him or her ?
Tax Time - would you report fraud?
by CaptK inif you know a jw member in good standing that openly proclaims his views to cheat on taxes and not pay his fair share but takes a hard stance on reporting individuals because his conscience would bother him if he hears of immorality.
be a whistle blower?.
a) call the the irs to review his records?.
Memorial annoucement - Are they for real
by CaptK ini was attending meeting last sunday and the elder conducting made the annoucement that the memorial for south congregation will be on thursday at 7pm but we do not know where yet?
you will have to come back tues nite to find out the arrangement.
can you believe this ..i mean is this not the most holy day in the christian calendar and for jw's the most important day of the year?
April or May Kingdom Ministry
by CaptK in.
will someone please scan me the april and may if you have of the kingdom ministry.
my mother has a problem of getting these at her hall ( although she has been attending for over 50+ years) it seems the brothers just over look her ( so much love you know) .
Tampa, Fla..... Anyone?
by CaptK in.
anyone from this area?
with the cold weather still in most of the usa has anyone stayed in sunny fla?