Congrats Princess on the Marathon!!! Sorry to hear you have had so much knee problems....
You have attained a great goal in life....way to go Dreams are attainable!!!
i just had a phone call from princess, who is in phoenix az for the rock and roll marathon.
it was her first full marathon, and she finished, which was her goal.
she came in at about 4:30 hours.. she had a bit of knee problem, but finished it.
Congrats Princess on the Marathon!!! Sorry to hear you have had so much knee problems....
You have attained a great goal in life....way to go Dreams are attainable!!!
after considerable discussion on where to go, lots of good advice, several attempts at reservations that did not pan out, i have finally reserved a place for dinner.. anyone in or near the seattle area please join us on february 7, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at tony roma's at southcenter.
for those coming in from out of town, southcenter is located close to where i-5 and i-405 meet south of seattle.
type in this address into mapqwest or into yahoo maps or whatever other mapping program you use:.
I will mention the change to Mr. CB and see if we can join you all!!!
i recall praying countless of times about very specific things, "worked in harmony with my prayers" and nothing.
anything that remotely seemed like an answer was either coincidence or my own determination to get it done.. so, how about you?
did jehovah answer your prayers or were you like me, did you feel very frustrated and guilty because they were never answered?
Many of my prayers were answered. I believe there was a similar question to this a few weeks ago, and I elaborated on one of them. It was on Nov. 30 2003 started by Singing Man, "Have you ever honestly had Jehovah answer your prayer".
in a minimus moment, i find myself interested in knowing which buzz-words and phrases in jw publications stand out the most to you?
when i read wt literature, i constantly find myself astounded by how transparently cultish the language is.
in an earlier, unrelated thread, i said the following: .
1. They are so "spiritual".
2. Got your " time" in?
3. I need more "time"...
4. I hope it's a "NOT at HOME."
one of the biggest regrets a person might have is that they let their children become involved in the whole jw "thing".
you know---everything from the elders always cornering them to "investigate" something or even having the parents "turn in" their own there anything that you especially regret?
I regret not being able to use a music scholarship at the age of 17 (had written about 30 songs at that point) and an academic scholarship at 18 (valedictorian of my graduating class). College was a no-no in 1975.
The last 30 years of my life could have been way been totally different...I think about it from time to time.
hello everyone!.
i just found this website today and hope i am in the right place.
Just read your bio....My heart aches for all the pain you have been thru.
I was from Michigan, I now live in the Pacific Northwest. I was also raised in the "truth" myself...I have seen a lot of hypocrisy as well. I can't reveal who I am or my family will have nothing to do with me. You are among friends here.
hello everyone!.
i just found this website today and hope i am in the right place.
Welcome Meg:
It is the "right place" if you really wish to learn the truth about the "truth". Are you willing to take your rose colored glasses off to learn the real truth?
Hope you enjoy your journey here.
everyone can't be in the front row!.
well hell i thought i could read- .
or they were just the outcast of their congo- so when they come to the net they are mad as hell .
You have been one of the most impressive posters to me.
...When I started reading from this site, one of your posts caught my attention. I then researched others you had wrote and found the one about what really happens at Bethel. I was totally shocked...I had been so NAIVE. I shared that story you wrote with Mr. CB. You see, I had been raised in the "truth" and tried to be as faithful as I could. I never got to go to Bethel for a tour....never had the money for such a trip. I vaguely remember a trip on an airplane and informal witnessing to a guy. He said: You would be surprized if you really knew what went on at Bethel. That is ALL he said. I sat there stunned thinking: He must be an APOSTATE. So when I read your posts and then I found that what you wrote "matched" other Bethelites (heavy--so be the postion) stories on this board, I knew it was the "real truth"....(I don't need to go to Bethel now...thinking about Tahiti instead...thank you!!!)
Thank you for being brave enough to share the "real truth". I hope you and your wife have much success in your life.
she always calls me at work.
i haven't heard from her in almost 3 months.
(she never calls anywhere near the holidays.
I feel so bad for you...Like Sassy said your Mom obviously cares for you or she wouldn't make the phone call, and is scared if she gets caught talking to you for long she will be in trouble (due to her JW training). Maybe your boys can mail her a letter... can fill her in on everything and then they can say: Mom says...(fill in the blank...what you couldn't say when she calls you at work..) Just a thought....
Gee, I wish I had a MOM...lost mine to cancer when I was 14....But it must feel the same to have one and not be able to communicate. You must have been a teen when you were df'd. My kids don't know how I feel about the "truth" right now...and won't, cause I was too good of a JW mother when I raised them...Maybe one day, If I can keep trying I can help them with the "real truth".
Meanwhile, take care and know others here "feel" for your situation.