JoinedPosts by SillyPutty
I Would Like to Thank Yall....
by Frannie Banannie ini'd like to thank all the jwd "buds" that helped me reach 1000 posts in such a short time.....stand up and take a bow,'re allstars and i loves ya more than my luggage..... .
obiwan (for his "someone has to stop frannie banannie" thread") .
annnnnd....vivamus, calamityjane, treshappy, panda, elsewhere, drwtsn32, xjw_b12, willyloman, teejay, caballosentado, country girl, valis, shutterbug, arrowstar, yerusalyim, tinkerbell82, sadelder, brummie, spannerintheworks, rayzorblade, jgnat, sillyputty, phantomstranger, estee, sunshinetoo, blacksheep, specialk, azzie, sheilam, ladylee, pleasuredome, and of course simon and all the moderators for making this possible.....(simpers).
I Would Like to Thank Yall....
by Frannie Banannie ini'd like to thank all the jwd "buds" that helped me reach 1000 posts in such a short time.....stand up and take a bow,'re allstars and i loves ya more than my luggage..... .
obiwan (for his "someone has to stop frannie banannie" thread") .
annnnnd....vivamus, calamityjane, treshappy, panda, elsewhere, drwtsn32, xjw_b12, willyloman, teejay, caballosentado, country girl, valis, shutterbug, arrowstar, yerusalyim, tinkerbell82, sadelder, brummie, spannerintheworks, rayzorblade, jgnat, sillyputty, phantomstranger, estee, sunshinetoo, blacksheep, specialk, azzie, sheilam, ladylee, pleasuredome, and of course simon and all the moderators for making this possible.....(simpers).
Frannie, you deserve a rest. Soooooooo?
You have reached the very last page of the Internet.
We hope you have enjoyed your browsing.
Now turn off your computer and go outside and play.
(just something I thought you might enjoy)
How Can I Get Info on a Dead JW ??
by SanFranciscoJim ini just received a fascinating email from someone looking for information on a jw who died in the late 1970s.
all i have is the person's name and city of residence at the time of death.
is there some place (preferably on the internet) i can go to see a copy of the death certificate?
You can get info for any dead person on Also get a death certificate for $7.00
I've done it but can't remember the steps, though it was easy.
Why should I be Happy?
by Maverick ini had a good day today.
i love my job, still some days are just great, and today was one of those days!
all day i was in a great mood and working like a bi-polar in a manic state.
Maverick, thank you for sharing your story. It comes at a time when I need encouragement and to remember that it may all just work out in the end. Congratulations. The best revenge is to live well.
Robyn Must be true. I was thinking that long before I got to it here. Thanks again for the story. Now I don't feel so depressed. Silly
Song number to service meeting needed !!!!!!
by Hamas inhi guys.
i need the first song number of the service meeting listed in the august 2003 kingdom ministry for the week of the 25th.. .
hehe .... lets kick some jw - connect ass.. thanks in advance, guys..
The first song is # 175
Service meeting ends with # 125
I'm **so** glad I won't be in 'the new system'
by Simon inbecause i hate gardening !!!.
after many, many weeks or months of hard labour, clearing away 3 or 4 skips worth of rubble from paths, sheds and greenhouses, digging over soil and leveling it we finally layed our turf today!.
i am knackered and don't even have any beer in the house .
Scully, I've often wondered that exact thing myself.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-10-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 8-10-03 wt study
reviewer comments are in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes are in red or quotes ""
Blondie, please do me a favor. please put my CO on your mailing list if you have one, and send him the Watchtower study Comments each and every week. I would do it but I could get in a lot of trouble in my home with all my relatives. Please send this whole thread to him. Everyone else is invited to send him anything. Thanks All.
his email address is [email protected]
Pay Attention to The Flock.......etc....
by SillyPutty in.
you might want to print out each of the chapters in this book.
let me know if this works.. sp......
Actually I got this off Google. I haven't even read it myself. Yet!!!
Pay Attention to The Flock.......etc....
by SillyPutty in.
you might want to print out each of the chapters in this book.
let me know if this works.. sp......
You might want to print out each of the chapters in this book. Let me know if this works.
How Many of You Have Put the WTBTS in Your Will?
by SillyPutty init seems like every service meeting they are suggesting we give toward one thing or another.
even printed in several of the watchtowers or awakes that it would be ok to leave all our belongings to the society in our will.
we can't give blood, but they sure are asking for it.
I didn't make up this topic. This was mentioned in the 5/1 1961 Watchtower. I got it off the CD ROM.
w61 5/1 p. 279 How Jehovah Prospers His Work ***Q.
At Pentecost early Christians held all things in common. Do Jehovah’s witnesses do this?A.
An emergency food and housing problem arose following Pentecost when newly converted Christians remained in the city to take in further spiritual enlightenment. This occasioned voluntary sale of property and common sharing of all things during that extended period of fellowship. (Acts 2:1, 38-47; 4:32-37) No one was obligated to sell or donate, but all were expected to tell the truth. Ananias and Sapphira conspired to lie about the extent of their contribution and were cut off by God. (Acts 5:1-11) This holding of things in common was not Communism, as some suppose. It was a temporary arrangement similar to what occurs when Jehovah’s witnesses living in a Watchtower convention city welcome visiting delegates into their homes and share food and shelter. Likewise property has been deeded to the Society and it has been named beneficiary in Wills. All such giving assists in spreading spiritual enlightenment as at Pentecost. None of it is ever mandatory or communistic.(me).....I'm sure thousands if not millions of witnesses have included the WT Society in their wills. As for me, forget it. Never in a million years.