"Our Father, the chart in heaven, Harold is his name..."
LMAO....LT You Crack Me Up
3 Sens 4
that's right - like so many scriptural verses which have been corrupted by translation and interpretation over the centuries, so too has the defining scripture where jesus clearly identified gods name.
of course, that verse is the so called model prayer, and contrary to the beliefs of many it does highlight god's name.. as jesus said -"let us pray then this way - our father who art in heaven, harold be thy name....... so once again, the witnesses have got it wrong.
they should refer to themselves as harold's witnesses, and they should be doing harry's will.
"Our Father, the chart in heaven, Harold is his name..."
LMAO....LT You Crack Me Up
3 Sens 4
it is laid out in five floors with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascend.
you're only allowed in once.
once you open the door to any floor you must choose a man from that floor.
Seriously though? I mean LMFAO
3 Sens 4
recently i came upon this statement on this board: .
they were a couple: husband and wife; they were providers: mom and dad; they were people: man and woman; but they weren't really parents.
they let the religion "parent" me... .
Starting Over...Hi
I know how you feel, although I cant really say my parents took much notice of the org in this respect my mother (jw) my father (catholic). But I had a really strict religous upbringing although when i look back I see it more based on the catholic church than anything else.
I know lots of people born in the org, their parents followed the book on raising kids, and prob. had the youth book eartagged.
The amount of times i heard ''well the society says...." "we showed him\her the article on etc''
At one time heard a woman say ''I wont get close to my grandchild because I know they will be destroyed at armageddon''
3 Sens 4
i guess i just need to vent a little, so i hope you don't mind me coming here.
some of you know i started a new job this past march with a pharmaceutical company.
it's just a temporary position with the schedule having me become permanent in december.
I understand how you feel
3 Sens 4
jw's always say that we better watch out because satan the devil is always looking at us to try to devour us.
we are told not to get involved with anything that is against god's will because satan is constantly looking at us to trick us into serving him.
satan is so powerful that he influences billions of people.
I love Satan, he set me free!
Reminds me of something i read ages ago...
"Blessed Be The Over Zealous Christians - They Are My Best Stumbling Blocks" - The Devil
3 Sens 4
in the last couple of days ive been reading info on the un & wts ...so have been pretty absorbed with the amount of info out there on the wts...
anyway...it hasnt been that long since i left the wts...and a close friend of mine (never a witness) said to me ,twice now, and rather strongly again today...
"its over, you have left, get over it...your obsessed with this, who cares, just get over it before it drives you mad...its really pathetic"
In The Last Couple Of days Ive Been Reading Info On The UN & WTS ...so have been pretty absorbed with the amount of info out there on the wts...
anyway...it hasnt been that long since i left the wts...and a close friend of mine (never a witness) said to me ,twice now, and rather strongly again today...
"Its Over, You Have Left, Get Over it...your obsessed with this, who cares, just get over it before it drives you mad...its really pathetic"
I was pretty taken back by this...considering i hadnt talked that much about it with him..but was wondering...
Is this common to be so "in shock'' so to speak at all the WTS has done and how it effects people?
Or am I truly going insane
3 Sens 4
i was talking with an old friend of mine who had gone to the assembly just a couple of weeks ago.. he told me the story of a young boy, who went with his mother door to door all his life, from a very young age.
apparantly, the boy was upset when his mother when to pioneer school without him back when he was 4 years old or so.
but, of course, he was too young to attend the school, so his mother went without him.. the boy is now 11, a regular pioneer, baptized, and very disappointed for he will not be allowed to go to pioneer school until he reaches the minimum age, 16.. what a fine example everyone!!.
Thats Really Messed Up....But You Never Know, He Might Break Out ...Oneday
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or mis-quote... that's even worse.
the one that bugs the hell out of me that my mom would always quote is "out of the mouths of babes" .
regular wine-eer
" because they have love among themselves.....'' John 13:34, 35
Well that rules Out The WTS as being The One True Religion
3 Sens 4
haven't been here for a while now...well had a look on a couple of occasions but that's it.. just wanted to share an experience that happened earlier on this evening.. the elder and wife that "brought us in" came around to dump their shit on us..namely the wt/a.
after a brief exchange on life's trivialities,(as they do)!
i siezed my opportunity to give them some shit back.
Well Done!!!
3 Sens 4
Thanks To Anyone I Missed In Reply Post
3 Sens 4