so true,
JoinedPosts by ambush23
who has any good jw memories?
by ambush23 in.
any stories about fun u actaully had in the orginazation?
who has any good jw memories?
by ambush23 in.
any stories about fun u actaully had in the orginazation?
any stories about fun u actaully had in the orginazation?
Describe some the "typical" dubs you would find in nearly every KH
by doodle-v insister self-rightous busy body-- always has her nose in everyone else's business.
makes a point to ask questions without really asking them like "oh we havent seen you here in a looong tiiiime" and "we miss hearing you comment at the meetings" .
brother womenizer--known for dating all the "available" sisters and dumping them .
sister or brother i have to sit in the back room
me, sister or brother who is a bad influnce on the majority of others in the age group
the perfect elder/pioneer wife, but my kids are ALL F#*$ED up
The girl in the next cubicle keeps toking on her bong!!!
by Elsewhere in.
ok... not really... but she has one of those pitchers that also filters water and everytime she pours a cup it makes a bubbling sound that is exactly like the sound of a bong.. every now and then durring the day i can hear it..... bubble-bubble-bubble-bubble-bubble..... i always get a big grin... .
unfortunatly bong related conversation does not go over very well in an office.
if i hada microphone handy i would show all of u what one sounds like
Lap Dancing
by Pleasuredome ina friend of mine gave me a free ticket to a lap dance club tonight, and ive just got back from there.
its the first time i've ever been to one so i was intrigued as to what it was all about.
after going there i dont know what to make of it.
i agree that strip clubs arent 4 every 1, but would make a damm fine setting for a public talk.
sin-cerely ambush,
of the circut over-rear class
i always thought jehovah was a bitch
Need Super Geeks...
by Valis campus computer lab has all machines running win2k sp4...all new dell p4's.
well i've got the problem where it isn't reading many floppy drives formatted in me, win 9x...this is causing a huge problem because win2k isn't reading the media descriptor or the floppy doesn't have one and then it proceeds to ask the student if they want to format the disk.
you could see how this might be deleterious to the undereducated computer user and all the yes clicks that might happen.
the problem is simply the user
Kingdom Hospital
by Valis ineheh...anyone else into the stephen king stuff?
i loved the stand and it and the langoliers...and now another one.... .
i think a story about the kingdom hall is far scarier
After 10 months of fading, the elders are gonna pay me a visit....
by Agent Smith ini have been fading since the middle of last year.
if it wasn't for my wife being a devoted dub, i probably would not go to the meetings.
i go to around 65%-75% of the meetings.
just b blunt, dont beat around the bush, tell them exactly how u feel.
Say Something Only A Jehovah's Witness Would Say
by minimus ini'll start.
"at least i know god's name is jehovah!
".......any others?
"out in service" is my personal favorite