The Grudge,
I can see exactly where you are coming from. I am in a similar situation with my husband. He seriously thinks I have lost it. He thinks I am insane and hopes I will come to my senses again one day - he really does. He is a good person, just like your wife. He sincerely believes this is the true religion. I have done exactly what you have done - I have spoken to him about my doubts, told him about things I have learned from various web sites, mentioned the UN scandal, Rand Cam, flip-flop doctrine, child-abuse scandals, lies, deceit, hypocrisy, twisted scripture, lies about number of witnesses in concentration camps, the utter silliness of the 1914 teaching, the inaccuracy of the 607 date etc etc etc. I have said it all - and where has it got me? Absolutely nowehere! I have bombarded him so much that he now thinks I am a complete crackpot. So now I say nothing. I wait for him to question me - which he does do sometimes. I don't bring up the WTS anymore - he does. I think he is curious and wants to see what I think. He still thnks I will 'come back' to Jehovah and always asks me if I am coming to the meeting every time. He really cares about me and it hurts to know he is living a lie - but it is his choice. I have realised that I have no right to tell him what religion to be or not to be, any more than he has the right to tell me. If he feels he is serving God by doing what he is doing, I won't interfere. If he ever asks me about my thoughts, or shows signs of doubts in the WTS, I will be there for him. Until then, I just don't have the energy or desire to fight him any more. I love him to bits and, if he is happy being a JW, so be it. Maybe if you back off, do your own thing and let your wife do likewise, things will get better. The only problem I can see is if the elders or whoever start to stick their noses in, and then you may need to make a stand. But until then, if she wants to be a true JW wife, tell her that you are still head of the household (yes I know - it makes me sick - but this is what they believe) and that as a JW wife she should realise the sacredness of marriage and do all she can to make a success of yours. Tell her that nobody should be allowed to come between the two of you, as Jehovah would not like this. Do not try to prevent her from going to meetings, as this will be used against you. In time, maybe she will see the light too.
I wish you well - I know the pain you must be in. I am not DFd or DAd, but I am shunned by most JWs that were once my friends. Sometimes I think I am going mad - but I refuse to let this hateful organisation rob me of any more self-dignity or self-worth than it already has.
My husband is a MS. I was told recently by an elder's wife that, if it wasn't for me, he would be an elder by now! Don't you just feel the love