How do you get access to chat gpt? And will it automatically use gpt 4?
JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
Chat GPT and the bible
by StephaneLaliberte ini just used chat gpt to find scriptures easily and, wow... should i still be a jw, i would have been able to create talks in seconds with that thing.
consider the following question: .
when was jesus accused of violating the sabbath?.
by enoughisenough ini had a thought about we were never to take sides on political issues, say by voting.
how does that square with the letters we were asked to write to various lawmakers in countries-not too many years ago we were ask to write to russian officials.
i wonder if there is to be a letter writing to norway.
Its easy to claim "neutrality" when the hard/bad stuff is handled by someone else. Hitler, JWs were neutral! Meanwhile if everyone in the world had taken that same stand, the nazi party would rule the world. JWs have freedom of religion, because someone fought for it and got it for them. They are unable to see this.
Prediction of Watchtower in a Few Years
by Foolednomore inkingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
@fisherman, i don’t think the gig is up at all. Religious belief comes and goes as far as importance. A major event in the world can drive people back to religion. There are probably thousands of inactive JWs that still believe, but don’t have the desire to do the work. All it takes is something big and they flock back. I think humans today prefer the dumbed down version of the religion. Tell me what I need to do, not something complicated that I need to know. Meetings, field service, a quick personal study, and they’ll do it. And this is coming from someone who does believe JWs are a man made religion.
Prediction of Watchtower in a Few Years
by Foolednomore inkingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
Why would it fade away? EX JWs predict the end of the organization as fervently and incorrectly as JWs predict Armageddon.
why are we interested in what is going on in the JW
by enoughisenough infor the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
@fisherman I understand you’re a believer, i don’t think you would give that same latitude of “not corruption” to inexcusable behavior of other religions.
Prediction of Watchtower in a Few Years
by Foolednomore inkingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
JWs will be here long after us. Wait for a major event in the world like 9/11. People will flock back to the Kingdom Halls out of fear. Trends stay the same until they don’t. Eventually the numbers will trend back up for new JWs. Door to door will always be a part. Certainly they will change to try and adapt to the way society works such as using tablets and phones while preaching. Otherwise no major changes until they decide to move up the start of the last days. -
why are we interested in what is going on in the JW
by enoughisenough infor the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
I still have some relationship with JW family. They tell me about anything JW when they please. I keep more up to date on their beliefs and going’s on so I have a retort when necessary. Otherwise getting caught off guard about something reinforces their position of the truth. I do love a quick reply that ends their conversation. I still get random texts, emails, or mail about coming back. If they’re gonna randomly try to teach me or make a point, I’m going to be more prepared than they could imagine.
How Will They End 1914 Teaching?
by EmptyInside ini'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
waton15 hours ago
The generation that does not pass away
from reddit by sloppyjoe2
wt prophecy like that would be a falseprophecy , because in Math.24 there is no such generation that does not pass away. They all pass away. The generation talked about will pass away after all these things have occurred. These things (listed prior to Math: 24:34) includes a disaster bigger than the flood in noah's day (from the world's beginning).
Even current wt doctrine about the anointed generation is false, because the wt generation does not pass away after, (as Jesus said), but before the full Great Tribulation i.e. Armageddon.
Armageddon, the tribulation greater than the Flood, which clearly happened after the worlds beginning, is the biggy, not just a mere "sign". It is a signing out of 99% of all beings.
@waton I have no dog in the fight. Being false or not, the question is what will the watchtower do with their current teaching. The Reddit post is but one solution. Witnesses will believe whatever they’re told to believe, true or false.
How Will They End 1914 Teaching?
by EmptyInside ini'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
The 1914 problem has already been solved on Reddit.
JW's & "pagan origins" teachings.
by BoogerMan inthe cult demands that the "sheeple" avoid anything which has "pagan origins," so for consistency, the wtbts should come clean and abandon the use of the pagan gregorian calendar, and adopt the biblical hebrew calendar..
Why do Jehovahs witnesses care about anything “pagan”? My understanding is that paganism started around the fourth century. You were pagan if you didn’t follow the Roman Catholic Church or the same for Judiasm. Jehovah’s witnesses would not align with either one of those and themselves would have been considered “pagan”. So why do they care what religions they believe to be controlled by Satan believed were bad? Why do they think they should also believe the same?