When I got married it was not in a kingdom hall. An elder married us. Another elder said "its so much easier when it's not in a kingdom hall. There are so many rules we have to ask when it is." He was glad we didn't.
JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
Has anybody ever heard of this in their local area
by joe134cd ini heard of a jw wedding that:.
(a)wasn’t done in a kh, and was performed by an elder.
(b)the ceremony was done on a sunday.. i find this surprising for 2 reasons.
Thought on “0 hours” reporting
by FFGhost inso everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
I think as EXJWs everyone gets lumped into the same category as we were when we were PIMO. Many JWs enjoy field service. They are retired and have nothing else to do. They have no job, and have nothing else to do. Even the ones that don't enjoy service believe that you still have to do as much preaching work as possible in order to obtain everlasting life. The org and elders are still going to push that they should be going out in service as much as possible. It will still work like always. The only people this benefits are PIMOs, PIMQ and those that are inactive or irregular. They will now be able to check the box every month. This will benefit the ORG in the annual report as they will be able to report new all time highs in publishers.
Real reasons behind this change?
by Gorb injust a good conversation at home about the hour report change.. we think the change was not impmemented because the gb are such a lovely bunch of old grandpa's having the best in mind for us individuals.. there will be only, and we say only, an organizational reason for it.
a legal reason, to protect jw.org and it's officials and wealth.. next step?
maybe selling more kh and when jw hollywood studio's in rampoo are ready a change to tv subscription.. what do you think?
It will hide the decline in the ministry but increase the number of active publishers. The numbers game then appears that Jehovah is blessing the organization as always. Also the more active publishers there are, the more likely they can get more donations. Donations in the end are what matter the most.
About quiting hours
by Gorb inwhat i'm thinking: can a jw be happy that the hour rapport quits?
can you show you are happy with it in the kingdom hall?
knowing it was one of the control systems of the local elders and co?.
This is a dream come true for JWs. It's a great marketing decision by the organization. Their publisher numbers will go up and they can use that number as evidence that Jehovah is blessing the new arrangement.
"A good REPORT invigorates the bones." (Proverbs 15:30) 🤣🤣🤣
by BoogerMan inyesterday's annual meeting "report" was soooooooooooo invigorating!.
km 1/97 p. 7 question box - why should we report our field service activity promptly each month?
I bet you are LOL! This is a dream come true for JWs. So much for the preaching work needing to "speed up" all these years! Sorry to the last two bethel layoffs, it in fact wasn't because of the preaching work speeding up that reassignments were needed. We just didn't have the money, but all you imbeciles believe whatever we tell you LOL.
Do you play the LOTTERY?
by Fisherman injw view gambling as a sin and sadly people get addicted to gambling causing them financial and health problems.
but is playing a couple of bucks a week on some lottery tickets actually gambling?
what do you have to lose?
They are certainly a "tax" but at least they are a tax by choice. If there weren't lotteries, the states would impose more taxes than they already do. At least a lottery helps keep some of that down.
Were any congregation '' special privileges'' ever taken away from you?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inif you don't measure up to the watchtower society ''high standards''... you might lose some ''special privileges'' .
miss meetings...lose ''privileges''.
don't meet the monthly 10 hour ''field service'' ...lose ''privileges''.
I was taken off the school to give talks because of my poor meeting attendance. I don't blame him for doing it, I purposely skipped the meetings when I had a talk. It was odd though, I still carried the microphones which is supposed to be a "privilege" even though my meeting attendance was no better than 20%. That same year I spent a total of 4 hours out in service. I learned to just turn in low hours each month to be "regular" and no one bothered me.
Do you play the LOTTERY?
by Fisherman injw view gambling as a sin and sadly people get addicted to gambling causing them financial and health problems.
but is playing a couple of bucks a week on some lottery tickets actually gambling?
what do you have to lose?
For whatever reason I will play the powerball or megamillions when it’s over 500 million. It’s fun to dream with no real expectation.
Could this be the end of JWs? What are the consequences if it is?
by Teddnzo inmultiple very serious allegations against tony and then huge efforts to remove him from all pictures and videos, have to admit it doesn’t look good.. once the pennsylvania investigation becomes public knowledge and front page news it will be very very hard for 8 million pimis.. is it possible that this could be the largest problem the branch has ever faced?
larger than 1975, the overlapping generations or any other ‘test of faith’.
many will feel heartbroken and betrayed.
I will offer a completely different perspective and one I think is more likely. First, IF the allegations turn out to be true JWs will see the removal as a very positive thing. In Jehovahs organization even a GB member that has done wrong will be removed and disciplined. Further proof that Jehovah will always keep his organization clean. Any argument or point to the contrary will be null and void. -
Are we living in the LAST DAYS?
by Fisherman inare we living in the prophetic last days that will climax into armageddon?
if this is true then how long should it take?
as jw saw it, wt compared timing to within a generation using 70 ad as a parallel.
If as a JW you believe that there are "Last Days" then you should objectively analyze your own beliefs. Analyze why they keep going on and the end hasn't come after so many warnings of how close it was. That's when I decided to look into 1914. Once I saw why 1914 was wrong, it was very easy to understand why the last days just keep going and going. The beginning was wrong, so no doubt the end would be wrong. But as a JW you aren't allowed to do this work and then tell anyone. So you're stuck defending a belief that you didn't come up with, nor do you have the authority to change. You have to wait for time to change it for them. As time progresses I believe the Last days for JWs will be moved into the future and 1914 will be renamed as the beginning of pangs of distress. Time will tell.