@OneEyedJoe I understand what you are saying. But I think the only real impact financially would be if the Org loses at the US supreme court. They have free legal counsel for starters. They have taken many cases all the way up there and have won a considerable amount. At the same time they just took in a billion dollars in real estate sales all while still collecting funds. By the time they get to the point that there may be a financial blow it would not surprise me at all that they have money already set aside to pay out.
The only thing that would cause doubt in the minds of JWs is if the JW religion were shut down while all the rest were not. Other than that it is just persecution from Satan. I already discussed these cases with my JW mom who is an extreme JW. She cast it off and shrugged her shoulders and threw it under the imperfect men excuse. This is even telling her the problem is that the branch made the calls on how to handle it, not the elders. Belief is a powerful thing and many people just cannot let go.
The most brilliant thing I believe the org has done, is managing to convince JWs that the light gets brighter and in doing so they can change at will. Even with some unexpected court losses they can easily explain it as prophetic. They will deliver you up to councils, Matthew 10:17 comes to mind. When posts like these come up I often wonder if the OP is still attending and around JWs. I do and I am, and the ideas that are presented are no where close to what I see and experience.