I am so sorry to hear of the pain you are going through.
i read you have been to counselors. Have you tried group therapy for abuse victims? Not sure where you live. I had experience with abuse and found support and help via Haven House. It was free and very helpful for my mental and emotional state at time. There is likely also online help forums for victim support.
Once you get a bit stronger, I urge you to get more strategic: record conversations, video if possible or have witnesses. Keep email file. Document. If this person is abusing you, Jehovah will understand. A liar is being aggressively strategic and you must be fully prepared to defend and protect yourself. If you are not strong enough to do this on your own, get good help.
You must guard your wellness on all levels. Work on rebuilding your healthy life. You already stated that you cannot live in same situation again.....so decision made. Now you must adapt best you can to new circumstances. Be prepared for more changes to come as the situation unfolds.
You are valuable and worthy of being treated with dignity and repect. Love is just the other side of respect in my book. Synonymous to different degrees.
It's okay to visit other halls during those or any talks....less eyes on you. Jehovah knows your heart and the situation even if elders (only humans). This is a shocking reality for you and you need to process.
Build support system of ones who believe in you, value you, cherish you, will be there for you. Learn to tolerate the rest and not be too concerned.
Take care. Don't be afraid to read by the way. Truth can withstand any challenge.