Thanks for all you feedback everyone! So nobody said anything like I expected. It was all very cordial and surface talk. Longest conversation I had with anyone was about 30seconds.
What was interesting was some of the elders were doing preemptive shunning. The elders know I'm an atheist since I told them a few months ago, but they have taken no action against me...I'm fortunate in that regard and yes I'm baptized. On the "information board" in the back of the hall, all the service groups are listed and who belongs in what group; I'm not even on the list next to my wife; which is fine by me since I don't call myself a JW. The nice elders in the hall came up to me and said hello, but the hardline elders including the COBE ignored me (which is also fine by me).
I was able to record most of the C.Os talk; my son got a little rowdy so I had to take him outside and let him cry it out so the talk was cut short by about 10mins. The C.Os talk was jaw-dropping hypocritical!
The title of the talk was "Guard yourself against Inspired Error."
Some highlights from the talk:
- ALL inspired error is from Satan.
- The organization is the only source for "inspired truth."
- The media which is part of Satan's inspired error, lies and twists the truth about JWs. (This to me is damage control since the ARC).
- "Some in the organization had expectations of the end coming at a certain time, but these expectations were exactly what they needed to get them through and stay focused on the kingdom." (WTF??? I've never heard such bogus logic. At the beginning of his talk, the CO said that all inspired error comes from satan, BUT the "wrong expectations" of others in the troof were virtually a blessing to keep them focused...WTF!)
I'll try to make a video of the talk and upload it. I'll have it up by Monday morning if not earlier so just keep an eye on this thread.
Thanks again.