i feel EXACTLY the same kneehighmiah. I don't go to meetings anymore yet Tuesdays still have a bad vibe,.
Thanks a lot watchtower for psychologically ruining my tuesdays.
all throughout my life tuesdays were my meeting nights.
well tuesdays and thursdays to be more precise, when we had book study but book study was at my house so it wasn't terrible.
anyways as a kid i hated coming home from school, doing homework and then going to the meetings.
i feel EXACTLY the same kneehighmiah. I don't go to meetings anymore yet Tuesdays still have a bad vibe,.
Thanks a lot watchtower for psychologically ruining my tuesdays.
at a recent circuit assembly "business meeting" for elders, a new program was announced: "funds on deposit".. here's how it works:.
each circuit determines a "floor" and a "ceiling" for an amount to hold in their circuit checking account.
when the "ceiling" amount is exceeded, the amount above the threshold is wired to the wts and held by them.. if the circuit checking account drops below the "floor" amount, the circuit can send a request to the wts to request that some of their "funds on deposit" be returned to them so that their checking account resumes a "safe" level.. as explained by the elder explaining the program,, "in other words, the branch is acting exactly like a bank - the circuit will make deposits and withdrawals as needed.
I figured the Circuit Assembly funds were the next grab. About a month ago I had my circuit assembly and they announced we had slightly over $18,000 on deposit. As soon as they announced that amount i said to myself, "They wont have that much any longer."
So im not surprised at this. But I made an accurate prediction, am I a prophet? (dun, duNN, DUNNNN) lol
i stayed home sick from work the other day and noticed a car group pull up to my neighbor's house.
she's a stay-at-home mom.
i decided it was time to retrieve something from my truck to see if i could recognize the visiting sisters.
Any update Zoos?
a friend of mine (who is waking up), recently had the elders do a sheep herding visit.. they were browbeating my friend about attending meetings.
my friend has been ill and unable to attend anyway.. what response would you give to this garbage?.
if we were in a house and it was on fire and we couldnt walk we would have to crawl.. an example of a sister with an iron lung was brought up to show that if shes in this condition, we need to examine ourselves.
Im guessing you friend still believes in the bible. If they do show them John 6:19-23
19) “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. 20) Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”
21) “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 ....23 ) Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks."
So are we required to worship at a temple or kingdom hall? Nope.
What about 'not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together' card the b0rg likes to pull out? Show your friend Matt. 18:20.
Game over, the watchtower cult loses again.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
" .....Not to mention the precarious position any species would be in with only 2 members to repopulate."
Lets not forget that there were 7 animals of most types of species brought on board of the ark.
Genesis 7:2-3
"2 You must take with you every kind of clean animal by sevens, the male and its mate; and of every animal that is not clean just two, the male and its mate; 3 also of the flying creatures of the sky by sevens, male and female, to preserve their offspring alive over all the earth."
To all who believes this story; ive got ocean front property in Arizona I would love to sell you.
i believe the last two wt studies in the 7/14 wt study articles were planned for this exact time and did not come about by happenstance... the jw cult is preparing the rank and file for some faith altering "new light" to be announced fairly soon, and these scare tactics will do just the trick.... the articles are preparing the rank and file to become apostataphobic, they have the rank and file in such a frenzy, even have them questioning themselves and their own motives for being in the borg!.
with paragraphs like:.
if you hear someone that has doubts or questions about the borg avoid them like the plague, and tell your local elders, but don't judge them!!!.
Im sure theres going to be some New Light (TM) at the upcoming Investors Conference....darn I mean annual meeting. BTW, has anyone heard rumors or anything about the annual meeting?
i saw an online post with pictures of all the witnessing carts all around the 9/11 site during the anniversary of the tragedy.... im appalled at how opportunistic they are, and how they prey on people in a mourning and vulnerable state!.
apparantly they boast of: "there are 65 carts, with 200 witnesses manning the area... and so far 15 new studies started!".
recently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
Viv, you’re attempting to apply scientific method [principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses, according to Webster] on the following:
So.. if you reject science, observation and ALL eyewitness testimony is out the window for you.
Without that, what are you left with?
You're left with Blind Faith!!! Which we know is very accurate! (Haha, obviously being sarcastic)
im trying to locate a publication by the b0rg about 'grabbing peoples emotions' or 'getting an emotional response' or 'reaching their heart through emotions' (cant remember how it was worded) when they read watchtower literature or look at pictures.
i think it was fairly recent (past 12 months or so).
i thought it was in a km but i went all the way back to january 2013 and its not in there.
Hello everyone,
Im trying to locate a publication by the b0rg about 'grabbing peoples emotions' or 'getting an emotional response' or 'reaching their heart through emotions' (cant remember how it was worded) when they read watchtower literature or look at pictures. I think it was fairly recent (past 12 months or so). I thought it was in a KM but I went all the way back to January 2013 and its not in there. Maybe it was a letter read to the R&F at the service meeting?
I've searched quite a bit, cant find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
meeting with my congregation elders today.. going to tell them about the things i discovered about c.t russell.
(astrology, racism, ect.
) i don't know how to present this information or what to say.
How many times does it take for a prophet who speaks in the name of Jehovah to become a false prophet?
The answer is simple, it only takes one false prophecy. See Deut. 18:18-22
The watchtower has claimed to be a prophet and has failed numerous times in their predictions. As Deut. 18 says, do not fear them.....so do not fear the watchtower, they are not gods channel.
Im sure you know but if not, check out jwfacts.com