Meeting with my congregation Elders today.. Going to tell them about the things I discovered about C.T Russell. (Astrology, racism, ect.) I don't know how to present this information or what to say. One was raised in the "truth" and the other a member for 20+ years. Any suggestions? I'm going at 6:30 and it is now 5:03.
I'm meeting with my congregation Elders Today HELP PLEASE
by LennaB 103 Replies latest watchtower bible
What do you expect will happen when you tell them that (or show them in photocopies of the publications)?
Pick the best point and develop it.
Be prepared to get a negative reaction though.
Even if an angel came down from heaven and told them, they would not believe.
Having doubts is one thing. Telling the elders about them can get you into trouble. You could even be disfellowshipped for expressing the truth.
My suggestion, now that you know the WTBTS/JWs are not what they pretend to be, quit going to their meetings and live your life.
You do NOT owe anyone, especially the elders, an explanation.
Good luck. They will shut you down soon as you start making sense. Be perpared to be marked by them. Hope you are in a position to walk away without too much personal damage.
BTW.....welcome to the board. Please post how your meeting turned out later tonight.
Witness My Fury
waste of time meeting with them, just stop going to meetings and FS, request to be left alone and then get on with living.
Cancel your meeting tellthem something came up, when the subje t comes up again tell them that's its all good old light. Then fade away.
I will post later on how it went. Very nervous. I just feel so bad because the congregation I was in was generally well rounded. (With the exception of the flirting congregation overseer, and his passive wife. One of the elders wives actually hit me in the back once because her husband was always coming up to me after meetings. Which is one of the elders I'm meeting with.) These people really grow on you, and it sucks that I will be branded an apostate and loose my friends. This is so horrible, I genuinely believed this was the truth until I did my own independent reserch. I've been so conditioned part of me is still worried if i'm being "influenced by the demons".
You can still back down if you haven't said anything yet about your stance and your knowledge. Call them and cancel the meeting, say that you were exhausted before and not thinking straight and you need some time to pray about matters. If they're calling you to a JC, decline to show up for the same reason; you're suddenly 'nauseous and vomiting'. Then, when asked in the future about your beliefs, keep your doubts to yourself, and fade, fade, fade into the horizon. That's the only advice I can give you.
This is my tigersuit
listen to those of us who've learned! keep your mouth SHUT! may the force be with u
That's the only advice I can give you on short notice. But we're always willing and eager to help folks like you, it's just that you haven't given us the time to even learn about your situation (do you have friends/family in the org., etc.). You don't have to go tonight -- no one's going to drag you there, and they won't disfellowship you in absentia if they don't already have enough ammunition against you.
Just step back, take some deep breaths, get a good night's sleep, then come back here tomorrow and (on the Private forum) give us a little more information about yourself so we know what kind of advice to give you.