So ponder this for a second, if the GB has announced virtually publicly that Gog is no longer Satan, why don't they send a letter to all congregations tonight to be read at all tomorrow's Sunday's meetings of this change?
What I'm trying to say is, with 8million JWs, im sure some JW around the world has told someone or a study today the Old Light that Satan is Gog. So this would mean that currently, most JWs believe and are ACTIVELY teaching a false doctrine. If truth was SOOO important to these yahoos (the GB) wouldn't they send a letter out tonight and update the R&F ASAP??? Why would they wait to print it in a magazin? Or why would they wait almost a year like last time to let the R&F know about the Nu Lite concerning the 1919 change doctrine???
So currently 7million plus JWs are teaching false doctrine....just like Christendom who they rail against.