JoinedTopics Started by Phaedra
Crystal Lake, Illinois, Goodbye, and Good Luck
by Phaedra ini spent the majority of my growing years in the crystal lake area, with a watchful eye under the tutleledge of the grownups whom i thought had it all figured out.
milkovetch, penkava, redman, gordon, and sterne, before the congregations split into 2 in the late 90s, i was already enamored into the truth with total belief and readying for the revelation book persecution.
then your families crumbled with red letters surfacing all around.. during and after a storm of controversies, scandals, and the like, i realized all people are people and prone to bad decisions and mistakes.
Evolution, fine. Still a missiion....
by Phaedra ini buy into the theory of evolution.. where does it's "mission" to do what it does (programming) come from?.
Flashback: Samuel Herd/Ashland Avenue Chicago
by Phaedra inmust have been mid to late 1970s.. it was when they still published the speakers' names on the light-blue circuit assembly programs.. i was a child sitting in the audience at ashland avenue's circuit assembly venue.
i loved that place with it's own basement cafeteria and baptism pool with a big jesus getting baptized mural behind it.. samuel herd was giving the talk.
my child self could only remember my father pointing him out on the program.
The really cool feeling of community within JWs
by Phaedra ini remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
My Big Church, Born-Again Experience
by Phaedra insorry to say that i was snapped up by born-agains post-jw.. gotta say they were much better than jws, but still had the same problems.. namely, no way to validate what they taught was real.
not to mention all the other problems with christianity.*.
just wanted to share that it's totally natural to keep looking for "truth" after you leave jws until you realize there's no way validate what *any* religion out there teaches.. learn from my cliff notes and save yourself some years of experimenting.. *see cofty's threads for all that.. phaedra.
Orgone Energy and Jehovah's Witnesses
by Phaedra injust a little process writing ... with a some tongue-in-cheekiness tossed in.
i pulled out my copy of this book, which i still have with all the highlighted answers and scriptures written in the margins when i was a tween and teen studying to get baptized.
my whole existence was based on the ideas in this book being real and true and i lived my life accordingly, sacrificing myself to the jehovah's witnesses organization, with nothing to show for it.
So, Christimas....
by Phaedra inlove the music.color, season's greetings, etc.
even have a desktop tree.. neighbors on the block are all lit up (since thanksgiving = awesome!).
the colors are gorgeous!.
Yeah, my parents plan to will everything to this parasitic organization and forsake their seed
by Phaedra inyeah, they'll leave it all, their home, savings, etc.. never mind helping out their struggling children who never had a chance.. fuck this organization and everything it stands for when its members think god will favor them more by willing everything to a corporation instead of their own struggling seed..