One of my best friends is an ex.
his current partner does not know we are in touch. so we only e-mail and speek on the phone. there is no reason to worry, i am now married with 3 kids and live 350 miles away! my husband knows and is fine with it.
how do you feel about speaking with ex-boyfriends?
can you still be "friends" with someone you broke up with?
One of my best friends is an ex.
his current partner does not know we are in touch. so we only e-mail and speek on the phone. there is no reason to worry, i am now married with 3 kids and live 350 miles away! my husband knows and is fine with it.
i would like to thank all who have replied to my quesstion about hitting back at woman.
i would like to ask a further question about this situation.
some have surgested that my friends girlfriend acted in self defense when she slapped him because he was pinning her in a corner and yelling.
eleswhere; I thing you are probably right. they are currently seperated.
i would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
when i said violence is always wrong, i was refering to domestic situations. ofcourse in self defense it is different.
i would like to thank all who have replied to my quesstion about hitting back at woman.
i would like to ask a further question about this situation.
some have surgested that my friends girlfriend acted in self defense when she slapped him because he was pinning her in a corner and yelling.
I would like to thank all who have replied to my quesstion about hitting back at woman.
I would like to ask a further question about this situation. some have surgested that my friends girlfriend acted in self defense when she slapped him because he was pinning her in a corner and yelling.
HE believed that he was justified in his reaction as she had been "emotionaly abusive" (nagging, belittling, etc) then when he wanted to "have his say" she walked away. pinning her in was the only way he could make her listen.
does this change your verdict of "self defence"?
i would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
Blondie; I tend to agree with you, but sometimes its not that clear cut.
There is self defense and self defense. If a woman is in serious danger, too right you would hit hard were it hurts, but is it not also a form of self defense when the man you love has you pinned in a corner, being verbaly abusive? if he refuses to let her go, and is being threatening in his behavior while i am not saying she should have slapped him, but i am saying it was understandable.
i would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
I asked this question because I recently got into a heated debate about it with a male friend. I wondered if his attitude reflected that of the male population as a whole. he feels that women have fought for equality but only want it when it suits them. there was no recognition of the difference in strenght. in addition, in the event in question, his girlfriend had only slapped him because he had her pinned against a wall, yelling at her.
In addition his argument was that it is importaint to take other things into account, such as her constant nagging which had worn him down.
i would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
I would like to as the men on the board a question. if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
I would also be interested to hear other women's points of veiw of course.
yesterday i had a little spat with my wife.
it's all cleared up today.
she's a wonderful gal and we love each other very much.. but one thing kinda bugs me.
your asumption is that your wife was in the wrong and needs to apologize! what if she still feels she was in the right?
like the one of the little girl falling into a big crack in the earth, a picture of amagedon from the paradise book.
few witness's stop and ponder just how sick that really is to show kids that at a young age.
if anyone has that post it to this thread for others to see just how hurtful that could be for children of a tender age.
just wanted to say "thanks". my mother in law who is still very active as a witness gave each of my 3 children (ages 2, 4, 7, ) a copy of the new childrens book after the last convention. I am ashamed to say I didn't bother to look at it that closely and just let the kids have them. I think I will just go and discreatly remove them from thier book shelves!
well, i talk about my abuse so much i haven't found the need to post it.
i guess i will post it now so i can write it once and not have to keep writing it over and over again.
well, my eariliest memory is of being punished.
hi jess,
I feel I have to say something, but I can't think of what I could possible say. I was abused as a kid but not sexually and not by j.w's
I do not claim to understand what you have been through or to know how you feel. As I read your story, I could not hold back the tears, at one point I thought I would be physically sick. How could your own family do this to you?! you said all this was a long time ago but it is clear that you still suffer deeply.
I just want to thank you for the tremenous courage you showed in telling this story. you truly are an amazing woman. what I find so scarry is the fact that so many people have been through such herendas expireances. I have not visited the silent lambs site because I am a coward. I am afraid of the truth of what an awfull world we live in . the fact that such things go on in what for the last 16 years i thought of as"the truth" terrifies me. You put me to great shame. If you, and people like you can find the strength, not only to tell your story, but more amazingly live through that, then the least I can do is take the time to read them.
Your strength is an insperation! thank you again and good luck with the therapy. if ever anyone desirves to find peace it is you!
On a more humorous note; I was so engrosed in this that I did not notice that my 2 year old son who is right here in the room with me, had got a gold permanant marker pen and gone around drawing on everything incuding a brand new leather sofa he has probably done hunderds of £ of damage still all I could do was pick him up and give him a big hug! after reading yor account it puts things in perspective. lots of love, pudd xxx