The point of my response was that God, who is the Author of life, also has the prerogative to take life any time He wants; and it's immoral for us to take life because we don't have that prerogative, but it's okay for God to do so because that's His job, so to speak. I mentioned that we have a common sense awareness of this because when someone begins to act frivolously or attempt to do so with regards to the taking of human life, or even in genetic engineering--trying to build life or make life happen--we say that one ought not do that because it's not right for man to play God. Well, if we say that it's not right for man to play God in taking human life or manipulating life, it seems to acknowledge that it's okay for God to do so because that's His job. It's God's job to do those things about life and death.
Rex, your line of reasoning turns God into a megolamaniacal monster that takes pleasure in murdering people whenever he gets the hankering to do so. If we are to agree with your view of God, then we humans are far more merciful, understanding, insightful and just than the God that is supposed to be superior to us in all of these areas.
So, God has the prerogative to take human life any time he wants? I see. Why is it OK for God to do something that would be offensive and immoral to most human beings? Are you saying that humans are superior to God? We humans would find it illegal, immoral and disgusting for a human to take another human life just because they felt that it was their prerogative to do so. Oh, I get it, It's OK if God does something illegal, immoral and disgusting because he is God and has the prerogative to give human life or take human life whenever he wants to because he is God. And you want to worship this monster?
In a court of law the accused is given the opportunity to defend himself. A jury of his peers decide whether the evidence points to his guilt or his innocence. I realize that this system is an imperfect one because sometimes the guilty are freed and the innocent are imprisoned. At least the accused gets the opportunity to prove their innocence if that is the case and not be subject to a summary punishment.
If we are to believe that the Bible accurately pictures the omnipotent God then that God kills the innocent along with the guilty and encourages his followers to be brutal, merciless, vindictive and murderous. That is a God of love that we are to worship?
When the Israelites were taking over the land of Canaan they were commanded by God to slaughter all of the nations that were in that land. If that particular nation accepted an offer of peace then the nation wouild be spared and the subjugated people would become slaves.
Deutoronomy 20:10-18 highlights these issues:
10 When you march up to a city, makes it people an offer of peace.
11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and work for you. (So, God is advocating the subjugation of an entire people and he supports slavery)
12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. (Wouldn't the normal human reaction be to defend oneself from an agressor attempting to take over their land and their freedoms?)
13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it.
So, God is advocating the wanton slaughter of every man in the city. Think of the horrific consequences of such a holocaust. All of the thousands of women and children that would lose their husbands and fathers. Imagine the devastating effect upon the pysche of all the remaining survivors of this slaughter. Evidently, God is actually the father of the holocaust if we are to belileve the Bible's depiction of God.
14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies.
What! God couldn't think of another way to solve this problem? If these Canaanites were so reprehensible, the only solution was to kill every last adult male in the city? Couldn't an omniscient God come up with some other solution than the holocaust of an entire people?
15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
I feel so close to God knowing that his way of solving problems is to murder all the males in whatever city that dares balk at giving up their territories.
16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
Damnnnnnnn! God got tired of specifying what human gets to live and what human gets to die. Kill them all and let God sort them out. Oh wait, God laughs, I am God. He had a good belly laugh over that one. So, the only solution to this problem of the wayward Canaanites that this loving, omniscient God could come up with was: "KILL THEM ALL." It's too hard to figure out a more merciful solution to the problem.
17 Completely destroy them---the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites---as the Lord your God has commanded you.
Do you get the message all you Israelites? There is no more ambiguity. Just kill all those lowlifes and you'll be alright in my book.
18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the lord your God.
Some of the Canaanites were involved in the sacrifice of their own children. Certainly this was a disgusting practice. Why not bring to justice those persons that were guilty of the murder of their own children? Those adults practicing pedophila should have been punished for their crimes. My point is that those Canaanites that were involved in crimes should have been brought to justice. Why should every last human being be slaughtered for the crimes of the few? Why should an entire city or race of people be slaughtered for the crimes of a minority of the people.
Could we imagine what would happen today if a dominant country decided to take over the territory of a foreign nation and slaughter all the males of that nation? The entire world would be in an outrage and rightfully so. Then suppose that the victors then took all the remaining wives to be their wives? Those actions would be the most disgusting and reprehensible offenses against humanity. How would the actions of this dominant nation be any different than the actions of Nazis during World War II. The hoped for destruction of an entire race.
Deutoronomy 21:10-14:
10 When you go to war against your enemies and the Lord your god delivers them into your hands and you take captives,
11 if you notice among the captives a beautiful woman and are attracted to her, you may take her as you wife.
12 Bring her into your home and shave her head, trim her nails
13 and put aside the clothes she was wearing when she was captured. After she has lived in your house and mourned her father and mother a full month, then you may go to her and be her husband and she shall be your wife.
14 If you are not pleased with her, let her go wherever she wishes. You must not sell her or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.
So the God of the Bible is advocating kidnapping, rape and adultery. I thought that the God of love was against all those things. But hey, slaughter her husband in war as one of the hated Canaanites and voila, those piddling little crimes of kidnapping, rape and adultery carry no weight. Why, this drooling male is just following God's edict to capture all the women as plunder and heck, if she doesn't exactly fit the bill, get rid of her and get another. Sheesh! There are thousands more women where she came from.
There are many inconsistencies about the God of the bible. He commands that to murder another is wrong, but allows murder to take place if it is committed against the Canaanites. Adultery is wrong, except when the Israelite male takes the plunder from one of the slaughtered males of the Canaanites and kidnaps the remaining Canaaites women and takes her to be his wife. Even if this Israelite male decides to rid himself of this Canaanite woman and he gets another one, he still isn't committing adultery. I thought that if one got a divorce except for a case of adultery that the one getting a divorce and marrying another is an adulterer.
These scriptures at Deutoronomy are nothing more than humans giving themselves the right to do what would normally be considered egregious crimes, because supposedly they were given carte blanche by their God to commit these crimes. Wow! Isn't that convenient. Whenever you want to commit a crime, but know that what you want to do is illegal, immoral and disgusting, just claim that God gave you permission to do so. I believe Rex, that this depiction of God in the Bible is nothing more than a human invention of God that reflected the very attitudes of the persons living at that time. If this is what God is truly like, then we are subject to a God that behaves worse than the most reprehensible humans that ever walked the planet.
Mr. Shakita