All may have a share, including children who are properly supervised.
You wonder who should supervise as it is said that Elders nor MS are ever alone with minors......
Each congregation should assign an elder or a ministerial servant to serve as the cleaning coordinator. He is not responsible for performing all of the cleaning work himself, nor does he have the authority to make decisions that should be made by the body of elders
And yes, we, WBTS are not like other mainstream religions, because we do not have a hierarchy in the congregation......
It is expected that the majority of the maintenance and repair work will be done by local volunteers from the congregations using the Kingdom Hall and that the costs for such work will be covered by the congregations
Volunteering is expected. Nice...Of course, do not ask us to pay for repairs.....
Branch Risk Management Desk
Really?? Curious about what risks they manage....
It is important that the elders be enthusiastic about and supportive of the maintenance training provided by the LDC
Truly sincere enthusiasm !!
It is imperative that the brother selected be well-organized and diligent, yet submissive to the body of elders
Wow... be submissive to elders....
Congregation expenses include the reimbursement of the circuit overseer
Not sure but was Paul reimbursed ? Or Jesus? So much for following first century model......
If funds accumulate in excess of the amounts described in paragraphs 23 and 24, the elders should consider whether to recommend that the congregation(s) pass a resolution to donate the excess funds to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide.
Not could but SHOULD...and what worldwide construction do they mean? About all is on hold......
Unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances, the Life and Ministry Meeting is to be held during the week
Oh my god, imagine if we missed that life saving meeting ....
During the Memorial season
Hmm...where can I find this in the scriptures.....
Hence, if a publisher were to use the Kingdom Hall connection to access inappropriate websites, his connectivity privilege would be revoked.
I truly wonder how they are going to monitor this.....
knowing that our Kingdom Halls play a major role in supporting true worship in this time of the end
Really?/ I thought Jesus said that rue worship in not by sight and buildings (temple) would no longer be needed / used..
John 4:21 Jesus said to her, “Believe me, woman,50 a time 51 is coming when you will worship 52 the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
and bring praise and honor to our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah
Wrong....JW are merely His friend (if you are lucky...). And again proof that Jesus does not play any role, despite Him being the head of the congregations.....