I have not read all the comments yet. But I do see that if one leaves a rather controlling religious group because of the false claims or even lies and bad things happening in that group, that person runs the risk to lose all faith in a god. And if that happens, also the believe in the bible is gone. Now, where to go for your moral compass? Eventually, the person either regains some faith again in a god or accepts his own views and conscience to be his moral compass. Whichever the final result, there will be a period in which that person lives in a sort of a vacuum. For many, a very uncomforting situation.
People will say: you see, that is what happens if you leave us (religious organisation) or when you lose faith in god. And meaning that the person is worse off than before. For a moment, that can be true, but it is a phase.
There are many human groups that do not have access to a Christian bible and use other sources to define their moral compass. Are these societies worse off than those that are more based on bible principles? I believe that history shows that it does not really make a big difference. Is a Chinese person a worse person than a person from a western (Christian) based country?
What makes life difficult for humans is being ruled by people who love power and are willing to use everything to gain that power. People being ruled by such people will adjust their views on what is right or wrong to some extend.
Anyway, just my view.