“rightly disposed” individuals ..... really???? And what if among those so-called “rightly disposed” individuals are a few child molesters??
What does it even mean, a person who is “rightly disposed”???
seen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
“rightly disposed” individuals ..... really???? And what if among those so-called “rightly disposed” individuals are a few child molesters??
What does it even mean, a person who is “rightly disposed”???
i saw this on jw reddit and thought, okay that will just be one of the protesters videotaping near their security entrance but it's really from inside the hq's.
i doubt the org.
will be happy that this was taped and leaked.https://rutube.ru/video/2dbc8185062524a41ed8c9e2117ca39d/.
I noticed security cabin. Will they use force to stop people entering the premise? Or show the other cheek?
a new book has just been published called the oxford handbook of the bible in america.
in it is an article by michael gilmour, professor of new testament at (the evangelical) providence university college in manitoba, canada, on jws and the nwt.
that's chapter 41. but that is not the only time jws are brought up.
God bless the cigarette manufacturer: "invention of the Jehovah's Witnesses whose publishing center in Brooklyn, New York, worked with cigarette manufacturers in the 1920s to create a paper that would be lightweight yet durable enough to hold printer's ink in a clean and legible manner."
do not know where to post this but i like to hear your views on what you think had the biggest impact on humans.
for me, 2 things:.
music: every human listens one way or another to music and will likely have some sort of emotion.
Do not know where to post this but I like to hear your views on what you think had the biggest impact on humans. For me, 2 things:
MUSIC: every human listens one way or another to music and will likely have some sort of emotion. Even when singer is dead, still the music can be heard / played.
PICTURES: whether as painting, drawing or nowadays digital, it exist for ages and brings emotions to people. Even after one had died, their picture remains.
In other words, it is not a religious book nor any religion in my view that has such an impact on people as music and pictures have.
though the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
@WMUBYJH, in Hebrew, Ps. 51:5 reads partly: Heb “Look, in wrongdoing I was brought forth, and in sin my mother conceived me.
This could mean that he was conceived in sin, i.e. his mother was sinning when he was conceived (adultery??)
october 10, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation—newsletter.
britain branch relocation project edition 6 autumn 2017.
The letter says partly: there have been many expressions of thanks for what our great God Jehovah is accomplishing in building enthusiasm, both for our own branch construction, and for our future work assignment in the new world! Bold is mine.
Like this new building is made ready for wrok assignment in the new world.....go figure....
i saw this on facebook: "i would like to thank the lord i am ok. had a serious fall yesterday from my garage landing to the cement floor and landed on my back.
i suffered a closed head wound, severe cervical sprain, 2 broken ribs and multiple contusions on hand and arm and shoulder.
could have been a lot worse.".
It is indeed a topic I have been thinking about quite a lot. If something good happens, it is because of the Lord, if something bad happens, it is either bad luck or Satan.
Religious people believe that the God they worship is actually in control of all things on earth. If that is true, then I ask indeed, why allow innocent people to suffer? Would you allow if you would have the power? Would you allow your children or loved ones suffer when you could prevent it?
And that is where most people become atheist. That is in my view unfortunate as I believe there is another option. My current view is that there is creator. I still strongly believe humans are made so complex, that it is very hard to believe it happened little by little.
What if we were created. Period. End of story. Why believe anything more than that? The universe is huge it could well be that the creator is doing other things and left it to his creation (humans) to run their world. I often compare it with ants. As humans, we hardly care about ants. We leave them run their world. We sometimes step on them. We have no feelings for that. Most understandable. A creator can also see us that way. As ants. From another planet, even from the moon, you cannot identify a human.
Will this creator ever intervene? I have no clue. May be. May be when humans have destroyed all, he might.
All religious books have been written by men. Men that were looking for answers and for a better world / future I guess. It creates hope. Hope is a very strong driver. But at the same time, that same hope have made people disappointed and depressed as their hopes were not fulfilled.
In summary, yes, I do believe in a creator. However, I find it difficult to believe in the type of God found in the various religious books.
i know wifibandit will post the pdf soon, this is just a snack for you guys and girls.... .
oh yes, almost forgot...bla bla in the name of Jesus...amen
what happened after jesus zoomed up into the sky?for a while, he was expected to return rather quickly.in the meantime, there was the “great commission” and evangelism to be tended to.. the jesus believers were meeting in people's homes.
members of that community would take turns using private homes to gather.
thus, they went house to house.. these footstep tracers of jesus (they called themselves akolouthontes "followers" or some called themselves mathetai or "learners.
Hi Terry, interesting WHat is your source?
jehovah's witnesses appeal russian decision on declaring them extremist organization.
[40 page court argument with 166 points.].
The WT pretends to take the bible as completely correct and true. If that is the case, they should not fight the government as they are there with support from God:
Romans13 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment,1 and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God. 2 So the person who resists such authority 2 resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will incur judgment 3 (for rulers cause no fear for good conduct but for bad). Do you desire not to fear authority? Do good and you will receive its commendation, 4 for it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be in fear, for it does not bear the sword in vain. It is God’s servant to administer retribution on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of the wrath of the authorities3 but also because of your conscience.
The freedom of speech is not absolute. The WT believes it can do and say whatever they want, but as Romans explains, their freedom is limited. This is valid for every organisation. It is sooooo peculiar: they (WT) have not problem to shun and silence a person with a different view (ie person is considered dead / non-existent), and at the same cry as a huge victim when they experience the same treatment from a government.......