Probably not exactly the same as the hate speech the article is referring to but the way WT talks about, what they call, apostates is also not showing any consideration and creates a very negative view of anyone who disagrees with WT
JoinedPosts by menrov
Bomb explodes in front of a KH in Italy (at night-time)
by psyco in
The (Shunned) Woman at the Well
by Sea Breeze ini always found the account of the "woman at the well" to be particulary interesting.
this unknown shunned woman of ill-repute was specifically sought out and chosen by jesus.
Do you think the gb would even consider to meet and stay 2 days with a non-JW group? As I understand, JWs did not want to attend non-WT memorials in Hamburg.
The (Shunned) Woman at the Well
by Sea Breeze ini always found the account of the "woman at the well" to be particulary interesting.
this unknown shunned woman of ill-repute was specifically sought out and chosen by jesus.
It is hard to reason with someone like Fisherman who is bound by his mental model.
Jews would not talk to Samaritans, call it religious discrimination. Samaritans were seen as ritually impure or unclean.
Still, the woman refers to their ancestor Jacob. This shows she did not distance herself from her religion. Her problem: being Samaritan.
Jesus appreciates her honestly regarding her husbands and current partner. John 4:20 shows that she is aware of the differences of where worship should take place ( mountain vs Jerusalem, home/heart vs kingdom hall).
Verse 21 shows reply from Jesus where he shows that both groups are wrong (can you imagine...the gb of the wt to be wrong....). Jesus makes it clear that honesty is key for god (worship in truth = honesty, in spirit= everywhere, not a physical location).
Jesus already mentioned her honesty. Then the woman says she is looking for the messias as he will tell her everything. A very humble expectation. Much different from the attitude the Jews had.
Verse 39 shows that the Samaritans listened to her and went to meet Jesus. Imagine elders in jw land would listen to a woman let alone a woman who lived with a man unmarried.....
Jesus stayed 2 days.
So, no, the woman was not shunned or seen as outcast by the Samaritans. They believed her words. I guess because they knew she was an honest woman. This would never ever happen in jw land.
Jews just avoided Samaritans in all aspects. Pure religious discrimination. WT policy is that woman like the Samaritan woman should be df'ed and as a result shunned. WT will never believe Jesus would talk to such a woman, only to gb members. WT policy is that anyone outside the org is wordly and of less value.
The Jews shunned this woman like WT would.
England: Failure to Report Child Abuse to be Illegal
by notsurewheretogo inpeople who work with children in england will be legally required to report child sexual abuse or face prosecution under government plans.. .
the move - which is subject to a consultation - was recommended last year by the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa).. .
the home secretary told the bbc she wanted to correct one of the "biggest national scandals".. .
Vidiot I guess you were referring to my question. If so, what I meant to say is the the WT sees CSA being a sin. And though I believe it is one of the worst crimes one can commit, I was wondering if WT could point me to a bible verse where it states that having intimacy with a minor is a sin. I have not seen one but I can be wrong. If I am right, one can wonder why this is missing.
England: Failure to Report Child Abuse to be Illegal
by notsurewheretogo inpeople who work with children in england will be legally required to report child sexual abuse or face prosecution under government plans.. .
the move - which is subject to a consultation - was recommended last year by the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa).. .
the home secretary told the bbc she wanted to correct one of the "biggest national scandals".. .
And, worst of all, where in the bible does it state that molesting a minor is a sin?
England: Failure to Report Child Abuse to be Illegal
by notsurewheretogo inpeople who work with children in england will be legally required to report child sexual abuse or face prosecution under government plans.. .
the move - which is subject to a consultation - was recommended last year by the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa).. .
the home secretary told the bbc she wanted to correct one of the "biggest national scandals".. .
I truly hope Fisherman does not have children. When molested by a JW, they would be exposed to a sin instead of a crime, judged by JW elders who are not all equipped to manage such cases. And though they are victims, nobody beliefs them as there us no second witness.
And on top of that, the perpetrator will walk free as WT do not report in general and only consider reporting if no other choice.
But, hey, the organization remains 'clean'
Court case Jehovah's Witnesses Norway kicked off
by AndersonsInfo in
norwegian jehovah's witnesses are in court this wednesday and thursday.
they are fighting the government's decision to remove their registration as a religious community.. .
It's all about the money and their public image. The WT board does not care the least about the well being or thoughts/opinions of their members. WT can continue practicing their religious beliefs but without any grants from the tax payers. Those are the rules of the games. In contrast to their own policies, the court is offering the option to express your views and they will listen.
Why believe in a god?
by menrov inif you consider that the god they believe in:.
- cannot be seen or heard and is only known in books written by writers we do not know nor do we have the original writings- does not listen to prayers from believers for security, safety, health, survival, protection, rescue, food etc- promises things that have not come true though had plenty of time to act on the promises- does not provide what you need to live- let's you suffer, struggle, work etc equal to non-believers, treated equally.
........ how does a believer look at his/her parents if they hide themselves, do not provide for you (shelter, food etc), make promises but never live up to these, does not provide what you need to live, treats you like anyone else but not as their child?
Disillusioned JW, that is basically my view as well. I do believe people / humans were created. Period. Nothing more and nothing less. My question was about why do people believe in an entity as described in the bible(s) or other religious books.
Every time when I kill an ant or an insect, I believe this is how the creator works. It (or even they, if more than one) created life on earth (and may be also elsewhere) and left it with that. Make the best of it. I do not feel sorry for the ant. Ants will not provide worship to me.
And it is not only the Christian version(s) of a god, also in Islam, Buddhism and the many other beliefs in this world. They all one thing in common: they have never seen or heard their god and as a result they have built icons to make their god somehow visible.
I have met Tomas Gustafson, world champion 10 k speed skating in the eighties. It was during a business trip to Sweden and we went skating. He explained he believes in trees. He called himself a tree-whisperer. At the time, still active JW, I though he was losing it. At least as JW we follow a living god. Now, some 20 years later, I believe he was just like any other believer. The tree did not talk and acted. Only difference: we know the tree is alive :-)
Why believe in a god?
by menrov inif you consider that the god they believe in:.
- cannot be seen or heard and is only known in books written by writers we do not know nor do we have the original writings- does not listen to prayers from believers for security, safety, health, survival, protection, rescue, food etc- promises things that have not come true though had plenty of time to act on the promises- does not provide what you need to live- let's you suffer, struggle, work etc equal to non-believers, treated equally.
........ how does a believer look at his/her parents if they hide themselves, do not provide for you (shelter, food etc), make promises but never live up to these, does not provide what you need to live, treats you like anyone else but not as their child?
Linda14.... I am sure there are people who believe their prayers are heard. Even if they are correct, it would be a very selective hearing of prayers as the majority of prayers since creation of the earth are not heard or rewarded.
If your child will ask you for food because he/she is hungry, you will give it if you have it; give medicines if needed and can afford it, provide protection where required whenever you can etc. In other words, a normal parent will give whatever they can and is required for their child to be safe and fed and healthy. And if you are short in resources, you will see if others can help because you want to help your child.
Would you trust someone to take care of your child if that person is not willing to do any of the above?
Does the god you believe in do this for you, because you are considered to be his child and because he can? Would it not give more peace of mind to accept that the god many believe in, is actually not showing his power, not that he cares for the meek and the poor, and is not willing to act on behalf of his believers?
JW and also believers from other denominations just say that in the future, everything will be better, without actually having any proof it will be. I was a JW and thought like that. When I left, I observed how believers behave and think. And to me, it was very surprising to see people believing, trusting and hoping on a deity that they have never seen, never heard, that does not act in order to protect the lives of innocent people, to support and protect the meek, weak and others suffering etc. It strikes me that believers accept all these shortcomings from their god and still continue to believe and have faith but would not accept this attitude from their fellow humans, family or friends. Isn't that strange?
Why believe in a god?
by menrov inif you consider that the god they believe in:.
- cannot be seen or heard and is only known in books written by writers we do not know nor do we have the original writings- does not listen to prayers from believers for security, safety, health, survival, protection, rescue, food etc- promises things that have not come true though had plenty of time to act on the promises- does not provide what you need to live- let's you suffer, struggle, work etc equal to non-believers, treated equally.
........ how does a believer look at his/her parents if they hide themselves, do not provide for you (shelter, food etc), make promises but never live up to these, does not provide what you need to live, treats you like anyone else but not as their child?
if you consider that the god they believe in:
- cannot be seen or heard and is only known in books written by writers we do not know nor do we have the original writings
- does not listen to prayers from believers for security, safety, health, survival, protection, rescue, food etc
- promises things that have not come true though had plenty of time to act on the promises
- does not provide what you need to live
- let's you suffer, struggle, work etc equal to non-believers, treated equally.......
How does a believer look at his/her parents if they hide themselves, do not provide for you (shelter, food etc), make promises but never live up to these, does not provide what you need to live, treats you like anyone else but not as their child? Would you copy that behavior as best practice? If not, why believe in a god?