Safe at home: She hasn't been to meetings because of her health. Her first loyalty is to Jehovah. She keeps in touch with her JW friends, they drop off her magazines and record the meetings for her.
Going out in"service" is her way of serving Jehovah. She does not blame Jehovah for imperfect people's actions.
She is the sweetest person I know. She always has something kind to say to complete strangers. She refuses to shun the df brother who is married to her niece.
He helps her alot and she always appreciates it. She told me only Jehovah should judge.
She serves Jehovah first before the Org. She will just let Jehovah sort things out.
I will not take away her comfort. She has relied on the thought of Jehovah and the hope of paradise to get her through some very hard times.
She has Faith that god can read her heart and so she doesn't care what others think.
She will do what she feels is right.
I think there are alot of people her age that have the same philosophy.