LMAO @ Brummie!!!!
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
LMAO @ Brummie!!!!
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Sweetie!! You're gonna develop an aneurism. Lighten up on the Bible prophecies and stuff. Read "The Tao of Pooh" or some other spiritual book other than the Bible, just for a change of pace......
IMO, everbody should get their spiritual enlightenment from many sources, not just one.
us criticises religious .
discrimination in belgium
source: expatica (belgium) http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=48&story_id=11964&name=us+criticises+religious+freedom+in+belgium.
You already took a bit of a beating from others here, and rightfully so, IMO, so I'll go gently when I say that the red and white flag with the maple leaf on it, is a CANADIAN flag, not from some European country. The quote you were insulting was from Canada dude. From your coments, it does not surprise me that you are ignorant of that fact..... it goes along with your other ignorant comments about how the whole rest of the world is second class to you.
Personally, I could very easily say that I don't give a shit if you don't amend the gun law....the very simple one that freaks like Charlton Heston preach about, where you have the basic right to bear arms. I mean, why should it bother me? I live in Canada.... it's not going to be my kids who get killed by that same crack dealer you didn't give a shit about... insinuating that no INNOCENT people get killed by guns..... GEEZ!!!! But I do care about those INNOCENT people.... you know why?..... because there are too many whacked out people like yourself that may convince others that your points are rational.... we need to oppose people like you just as much as we need to oppose/prevent hurting by organizations like the WTBTS.
If you are no longer a JW, good for you, but I think you need to get some help with your perception of reality dude........ it doesn't sound very healthy to me.
By the way, I do not classify all Americans in the same category as Czar... I know people like him are the minority, thank heavens.
i know there has been lots of discussion on this issue in the past year but i have been unable to find it.
i need to know where to find the questions from readers that talked about it being okay for people to vote if their concience allows.
i brought this issue up with a couple of people, one a rank and file dub and the other an elder.
I understand the point that you are making but I wouldn't go so far as to say that the leaders of the WTBTS are very brilliant people. IMO, they are just control freaks assembled in masses, who, for whatever reason, believe that it is proper for them to manipulate their followers. There are simply enough people who lack the critical thinking you speak of, that there is a market for their faith religion cult.
It is unfortunate that these followers are so misguided spiritually, that they live their lives in subjection to these less than objective leaders, but that market will always exist.... just hopefully in less and less numbers.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Can I make a suggestion to you, if it doesn't offend you?
Put the Bible down for a week or so and go read the book titled "The Tao of Pooh". It is an assessment of the deeper teachings that A.A. Milne was trying to convey to humans when he wrote the "Winnie the Pooh" stories. It is an easy read and, unlike the Bible, it is almost impossible to interpret any of it with the FIRE AND BRIMSTONE crap found in the Bible. It will do your psyche good.
Honestly, no offense intended to you personally, but you really seem to want us to JUDGE humans with this weird, obscure, and NEVER interpreted with any absolute certainty stuff written in the Bible. I, for one, refuse to get involved.
yes, that's right.. i love them.
i love everyone.... "love your neighbor as yourself".... does it specify which neighbors?
the good ones?
I agree that hate is not good for anybody, especially the ones feeling it, and I feel more pity for the dubs individually than anything else. However, I have virtually no respect for the organization itself. I can separate that loathing from ill feelings towards an individual man.
I have learned to protect myself from them, though.
us criticises religious .
discrimination in belgium
source: expatica (belgium) http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=48&story_id=11964&name=us+criticises+religious+freedom+in+belgium.
Don't take this as an insult to you as an American, because I do believe that the US is a great country in lots of ways, but to suggest that their consitution is the best foundation of law, as it stands seems to me to be a little close-minded. They still haven't had the courage or humility to admit that the gun law, (although it made sense and was a good idea 200+ YEARS ago), should be amended, for the good of the people in the US living now.... or should I say, had it been amended years ago, it would have been for the good of MANY innocent kids and others that are now dead.
us criticises religious .
discrimination in belgium
source: expatica (belgium) http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=48&story_id=11964&name=us+criticises+religious+freedom+in+belgium.
Heathen and Annanias,
Think about what Ezekiel3 said about "freedom of religion" for JW kids........ To suggest that immature kids (no offense intended to the kids), should be able to make a choice that, should they CHANGE THEIR MINDS LATER, they will suffer the shunning and persecution from their own family and friends, is delsional thinking. They have no freedom whatsoever, to make a mature decision.
To suggest that 'no gov't has the right to instruct people as to what to believe as far as religion is concerned', is down right dangerous. If someone is attracted to kids in a sexual way, due to some mental sickness that he may have, should he have the freedom to pursue that craving, without any consideration for the kids?........ I hope the answer to that from all here is NO!!!!!!
Children and youths' EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL health should be held up as just as important as their physical health.
should anything exist?
that is a question that nobody can answer with authority.
if any one says they have the answer, i ask:"says who?
Wasn't it Einstein that said, "Energy never dies, it just changes form."?
"Things" that exist, whether people want to theorize whether they are just holograms or whatever... they still exist as we perceive them to be as a part of that hologram, so.... yeah, things DO exist. We've "named" those things, probably mostly just for consistency during our advancement in socialization. By naming those things, (including good/bad, love/hate, God/Satan) we have allowed individuals and groups to be simple-minded and judgemental as much as we have made it easier for us to be open-minded and loving.
God and Satan exist in me as much as they exist in a fly, it seems. It's what we do with what is inherently in us that makes us either satisfied or dismayed at our lot in life/existence.
just bought this book, has anyone else read it yet, if so, what are your thoughts?.
I think, therefore I am. Or is it I am, therefore I think? Bottom line is: Who cares, we just are, and wasting time making theories that all come back to that very same, simple conclusion seem pointless to me. But that's just my opinion.