Flower, you said:
Most support assistance is in place to prevent the act from happening in the first place which IMO makes a lot more sense than saying 'forget about them, they are as good as dead anyway but after they do it lets have lots more support for those left behind'. That is in essence what your previous post mentioned
This not at all what I was suggesting. I am in absolute complete agreement that prevention is the best policy. The very way that I live my life is proof that I believe in suicide prevention. Creating a happy, peaceful environment for my four kids is the best way that I can do the biggest part to "prevent" suicide.
This "topic", however, is not about prevention, it's about the "after the fact", irregardless of the circumstances. Therefore, I never mentioned a word about prevention until now. Don't make an insinuation that my opinion is that we shouldn't care about preventing it or even about caring about people who do attempt it. When I used the word SOLELY it was coming more from emotions than logic. However, rather than you accepting that correction on my part, you continue to throw insults rather than looking at the big, REAL picture of the other points I and others here are trying to make.
Doubtfully Yours makes a point, that people who don't succeed are just making a cry for help. I'm sure that many people out here can attest to that point being true as well. Instead of accepting that point as being legit you try to refute it by showing that when you didn't succeed, it wasn't because you didn't do your best. Hey, I don't think anyone here will say that they wish you were better informed about the best options to kill yourself, since you'd be dead... and that's not nice!!!!
I find this whole thing truly ironic. You accuse me and others of putting things into our own "little boxes", "lumping" things and, in general, (if you can, for a moment refrain from telling me not to "generalize") you are questioning everybody's viewpoint that is not EXACTLY like yours. What's that saying about the kettle and the teapot?
I feel for what you went through as much I do anybody else who has gone through it and in no way am I retracting that empathy, however I will still get back to my point awhile ago about the fact that you seem to not have too much empathy for others.