Yes I am. Doesn't the thrill of having a phone sex virgin make it that much more exciting?
what would your response the the question below be?????????????????.
mine is....................................................(see below).
young people ask .
Yes I am. Doesn't the thrill of having a phone sex virgin make it that much more exciting?
what would your response the the question below be?????????????????.
mine is....................................................(see below).
young people ask .
just promise not to *69 me...
I'm new and innocent at this sort of thing, but I'd be willing to let you show me what *69 is.
what would your response the the question below be?????????????????.
mine is....................................................(see below).
young people ask .
I'm anxiously waiting to see which women respond that they like it, then I'm gonna PM them all and give 'em my number.... woohoo.......
reading all these 1914 threads lately has made me think a lot more about my own feelings of the jw movement in the early years.
particularly how i feel they got kind of "lucky" that something big happened on whatever numbered prediction 1914 was for them.. we have all seen individuals ride out the rest of their sports, acting, etc.
careers on one big break.
Having recognized that Schizm's delay in responding MUST be an act of God, I will take the opporunity to interject.
Before you finish your reply, please take into account that people can be biased AGAINST the JW's but their can also be bias FOR them.
the awesome power of god
if you are willing to put faith in jah, the only true god, then i am willing to share my experiences with you.
jehovah is able to humble any man, no matter how strong or powerful he thinks he a microsecond.
Very well put. I guess it could be that he honestly needs MAJOR psychological. I have been too busy laughing at his twisted interpretations to sit back and see that as a possibility but, yeah, now I can see what you're saying. Hopefully he's not alone.
Holy shit!! ROFLMAO!! especially at Eman and shotgun. EXCELLENT comeback shotgun!!
Cute! You know men and women alike will be opening this topic up to see what's behind it. lol
Brad (Or at least I hope I'm not the only man that admits it.... teehee)
... on the watchtower society.
i am not one who will ever bother to waste my time heaping praise on the jw religion as though it were some kind of improvement on society.
i have no qualms in saying that it was, is, and always will be a dangerous religion ?
under74 said,
And I think that there are some good hearted humans even in the WTS....they may be hard to spot but I was raised in the Society and I don't think I was ever heartless.
I agree with you on that too. Mindless? Yes, I agree completely that I gave my mind up to them for all intents and purposes, but never heartless.
reading all these 1914 threads lately has made me think a lot more about my own feelings of the jw movement in the early years.
particularly how i feel they got kind of "lucky" that something big happened on whatever numbered prediction 1914 was for them.. we have all seen individuals ride out the rest of their sports, acting, etc.
careers on one big break.
In "Life of Brian", my personal favorite was the scene where Brian's mother was at the window and refused to answer the crowd regarding her sexual history. IMO a classic scene. (Leaving it somewhat in doubt for those who may not have seen it.)
what percentage of jw's do you think would be happy to wake up tomorrow and honestly see all the people dying and everything else that goes along with armageddon as they've been taught?.
on the other hand, how many use the religion/belief as a way to feel superior to others and would never really want to see all that suffering or perhaps just wouldn't want to do the clean-up work after?
i guess a third question is warranted, based on their teachings...... how many hope they die a natural death and will be resurrected after all the nasty sh*t goes down?
like a bride-to-be, they never see past the wedding day and all the realities marriage can bring. none of them think beyond Armageddon, they just think how awful this world is, and its horrid people, and they can't wait for Jehovah to come down and teach that guy who cut them off in trafiic a lesson...
Great point Incense_and_Peppermints!! It is sad that to get people to believe Armageddon would be "better" for them, they have to allow themselves to believe first that the "world" is so evil. What a jaded way to go through life.
Cute point about the traffic situation. By the way, if the drivers are really nasty in Arizona, maybe I'll just let you drive.