I thought squinks assessment was pretty damn good. Sure there is the exception to the rule, but I have had experiences myself and been told by many other people stuff like this:
Bro,Supernice - "You know Brad, we really want you to come back...........(a long, pleasant conversation ensues where Brad becomes convinced that they really want to help.... so)
Brad - "You know Bro Supernice I appreciate your concern. I want to tell you about my problem so that you can help me......(tells problem).
Bro Supernice - "Well, Brad, that was the reason that you were df'd so you have to get over that problem yourself. You're on your own until you can prove you're repentant and get re-instated", and walks away.
I think that might be what squinks was refering to.......... when the line is drawn in the sand..... their line, by the way, that's it..... the love ends. That's my take on it anyway.
Or how about a conversation with my sister about my wife (now ex-wife) cheating on me, etc...... and she says she can't talk to me. I'm pleading for my emotional life at this point......... and she says, without batting an eye, "Don't take it personally, Brad, I can't talk to you only because you're df'd"
That is just plain ignorance. Just because they don't realize that it's cruel and hurtful doesn't make it any less so.