Thank you guys.
My wife tells me that we have to "help" him. That she has seen that he prefers friends outside the congregation, that those kids are bad association and that someday I will regret it if he leaves the truth. ( She doesn't know that that is my plan with the whole family).
I have tried to talk to my daughter too. Once I started a conversation using the movie Divergent, which she likes a lot. I asked her what she thinks about killing divergents. She told me that that is totally wrong. I asked her what she would think if that was going on in real life. She told me that she would stay away from those people. I asked her: "What would you do if you found out I was a divergent?" "Would you turn me in to the leaders to kill me?" She told me that she doesn't know. I asked her: "Faction before blood?" She said: "I don't know".
I asked her all those questions before my other kid. He told her: "you are stupid, how are you gonna turn in your own dad?". I had to stop him and told him: " be gentle with her, if she doesn't know, she doesn't know it. I will always love her no matter what". She just told me: " I love you dad, sorry".
I know as a fact my two kids love me. I'm always there to support them in anything they wanna do, as long as I know it won't cause them harm.