I honestly have never heard such claptrap being delivered in a Memorial talk.
The speaker repeatedly put down the way other religions administered the bread & wine, and claimed that Witnesses do it exactly as the Bible describes. Oh yeah????
He forgot to mention - when reading aloud 1 Corinthians 11:25 - that after passing the bread, a full meal was to be shared, before the wine was passed around! I never saw a meal at my KH!!
Then when he read Luke 22:19,20 - which again mentions the meal - he conveniently forgot to read verse 21 which shows that Judas partook of the bread & wine!!!
Sorry, I forgot that the Insight Book highlights the "fact" that the Bible writer Luke - who "traced all things with accuracy" - wasn't endowed with a good memory, and got it wrong!
it-2 p. 130 Judas - "Luke’s presentation of this incident evidently is not in strict chronological order."
Beware U.S.A!