Please send the document. Thank you
2 documents.
2020-08 instructions for new regular pioneers, s-236-e, in english and in spanish.time to grab the hair brush.!.
Please send the document. Thank you
elders meet with regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionariesplease note: this meeting is to be conducted in december 2020 or january 2021 by two elders selected by the body of elders.. english letter and spanish letter.. .
reply below if you want me to meet you at your pm box with a link and some of these:.
I would like a copy please. Thank you.
3 english and 3 spanish letters arrived as of (2020-07-06).
textos bíblicos y referencias para visitas de ánimo.
scriptures and references for encouraging calls.
Interested in these as well. Please send ... thanks!!
2020-07-04--and 2020-07 consent and contact form.
direction related to covid-19 pandemic for bodies of eldersgeneral precautionssecular authoritiesmeetingsfield ministryshepherdingtheocratic facilities and congregation recordscongregation expensesjudicial and other serious mattersconventions and assembliesschedule for viewing 2020 convention sessionstheocratic schools-----------------------------------letter 2 is a form to be filled out for:consent and contact details for attendees at the kingdom hallin order to support the nhs test and trace programme, we are taking contact details (name and telephone number) of all visitors, as well as recording the times people have entered and left the kingdom hall.if you are on the email list these letters are already sitting by your tv.
if you are not on the email list, reply below that you want a link put in your pm box.petra!
Interested as well. Please send when you can. Thank you!
atlantis just handed me 18 letters to send out.
we have english and german letters with various topics.. .
Can you please send me a PM??
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
Can you please send me a PM??
1.--authorization and release agreementfor disaster relief medical assistance.
------------------------------------------------------------------2.--for the attention of all elders------------------------------------------------------------------.
3.--additional direction regarding assistance with practical needs------------------------------------------------------------------.
Thanks … could you please send a link to my pm box??
miss piggy was thrown out of the zoom meeting because she was showing to much cleavage.. her way out she grabbed the co's briefcase and gave him the finger. miss piggy jumped into her hot rod and is delivering all the co's secret documents to the neighborhood. you are on the email list, these documents are already in your email.
so just keep eating your buttered popcorn.2020-04-27--broadcasting meetings2020- information notice of broadcasting congregation meetings2020-notice of broadcasting2020-information on broadcasting congregation meetingspetra!.
Can I get on the regular email list please? Thank you.
what if a gb member all-of-a-sudden thought he was no longer anointed??.
what could possibly happen?
What if a GB member all-of-a-sudden thought he was no longer anointed??
What could possibly happen??
so ... situation:.
a baptized married couple, with no privileges that we know of, have opened their home to 2 unmarried regular pioneers because of the pioneers' financial issues (limited income).. - husband works from home.
- wife doesn't work and stays home or in service.
So ... situation:
A baptized married couple, with no privileges that we know of, have opened their home to 2 unmarried regular pioneers because of the pioneers' financial issues (limited income).
- Husband works from home
- Wife doesn't work and stays home or in service
- One pioneer is a woman, the other is a man - both single
- Pioneers are around their early 20s. One has full-time job AND pioneers (not sure what the financial issue is). The other is on disability, but we think his family kept taking his monthly income without his approval, so he needed to move out.
- Couple have no children and 5 bedrooms in their house, so it kind of makes sense they're helping.
The wife and I were talking and found out that this situation existed for about 1-2 months ... THEN, the elders met with the pioneers (not the couple) and told them to leave the house or they would no longer be pioneers. No reason given but Hebrews 13:17 read about obeying the elders.
She got pretty heated up about it ... apparently there's a "special pioneer" in the cong that doesn't like the married couple and starting spreading rumors ... then the elders got involved ... and it went from there.
Have the question in my head ... is there anything in the elder manual or anywhere else that says we can't show love to those in need?? So stupid!