I'm confused, are you saying that the unpublished image in the assets folder, should have the creditation on the image itself? Because the image you used from the ggpht.com website doesn't either? Having the credition on the webpage adjacent to the image is in order I thought? Isn't that what you did. Sure the jw.org website has the usual generic copyright claim as per most other websites, but the image you referenced doesn't seem to have been actually published on a jw.org webpage? And it's quite clear from the use of the image in the two links that I provided that WT is fully accepting of Daniel Meyar's copyright in the image?
Say what you will about the WT, but Daniel Meyar who says he took the photo and released it under creative commons, is probably very pleased to be able to say on his photography CV that his picture was used in an international magazine with a print run of millions - and that said magazine provided the proper creditation.
Actually the more onerous issue is the poor way the image has been used - it's meant to have once stood 40 feet high, but you get no real concept of that from its use in the magazine.....
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR