But isn't it really then just a case of damned if they don't, and damned if they do?
If no arrangements were/are being made, people would complain that those without computers/smart phones/internet access would not be able to watch the videos.
If arrangements are being made, such as you describe, people would complain that it's like an additional meeting.
You need to remember that people often enjoy the shared experience of watching a video/DVD together with others - AKA 'Movie Night' with friends and popcorn. Which means that, even if you had the facilities to watch the JW videos by yourself in a darkened room - as a 'Billy-no-mates' - most people would probably enjoy the communal aspect of watching it together especially when combined with (extended?) social interaction both before and afterwards, particularly if, as you say, refreshments and drinks are provided.
BUT, and it's a big but... if the above semi-social gathering was going on in your congregation, as you say it is, and you were NOT being invited, you'd probably be complaining that you weren't being invited
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR