yeah, as I said, seems to be a confusion regarding number of attendees
Besides I understood that you needed SEVEN children minimum for the award, NOT just six
presenting the order of parental gloryon the eve of international children’s day, vladimir putin presented the order of parental glory to parents of large families.
the recipients included families from astrakhan and yaroslavl regions, the republics of karelia, buryatia, north ossetia-alania, perm and primorye territories, and khanty-mansi autonomous area – yugra.the order of parental glory was established by a presidential executive order signed in may 2008 and is awarded to parents (or adoptive parents) raising 7 or more children and ensuring due care for their health, education, and physical, spiritual and moral development.
yeah, as I said, seems to be a confusion regarding number of attendees
Besides I understood that you needed SEVEN children minimum for the award, NOT just six
for kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
Just throwing out some thoughts here.....I think there's a threefold problem going on....
FIRST: There is a seemingly lack of interest in WT 'leaks'? This is perhaps most clearly evidenced by the apparent lack of 'up-votes' that those posts actually get?
A leaked WT letter (admittedly rather boring) gets just ONE 'up-vote' (in 21 hours) - hmmm....
SECOND: There is admittedly a problem of how to control and manage spam - I seem to be limited to posting just one new thread in every 24-hours - that's a DISincentive to post things like the above WT letter in it's own thread (when more people might see it) because what happens if I wanna post something else (that I think is more important or interesting?) in it's own thread within 24 hours? I can't - so I don't post the first thread.
THIRD: When something is of interest, it gets 'repeat-posted' by other people here (and yes, some is to be expected) but when the same thing gets posted as new threads SIX times, well, ok, that's worst case, but still - it shows that people aren't really actually reading the forum.... therefore why post in the first case.
presenting the order of parental gloryon the eve of international children’s day, vladimir putin presented the order of parental glory to parents of large families.
the recipients included families from astrakhan and yaroslavl regions, the republics of karelia, buryatia, north ossetia-alania, perm and primorye territories, and khanty-mansi autonomous area – yugra.the order of parental glory was established by a presidential executive order signed in may 2008 and is awarded to parents (or adoptive parents) raising 7 or more children and ensuring due care for their health, education, and physical, spiritual and moral development.
no worries - I think there was perhaps confusion because six attended
As per (via Google translate)
May 31, 2017 in Moscow, at a meeting in the Kremlin, the President of the country handed Valery and Tatiana Novik, Jehovah's Witnesses from Karelia, the Order of Parental Glory. Six of the eight children of Novikov also attended the award ceremony.
presenting the order of parental gloryon the eve of international children’s day, vladimir putin presented the order of parental glory to parents of large families.
the recipients included families from astrakhan and yaroslavl regions, the republics of karelia, buryatia, north ossetia-alania, perm and primorye territories, and khanty-mansi autonomous area – yugra.the order of parental glory was established by a presidential executive order signed in may 2008 and is awarded to parents (or adoptive parents) raising 7 or more children and ensuring due care for their health, education, and physical, spiritual and moral development.
Which is another thing - why does the Russian website reveal that there are 8 children in the Novik family yet the org press releases only acknowledge 6 children?
The news item on states:
NEW YORK—On May 31, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the Order of “Parental Glory” to Valeriy and Tatiana Novik, Jehovah’s Witnesses from Karelia, who raised eight children, during a ceremony in Moscow at the Kremlin.
i am working with paul grundy from jwfacts and with the administrator of, and they are ok with me doing the work that i am doing right now, which is to try and complete, as much as possible, the availability of everything the wt has ever published, in pdf format.therefore, i will start listing in this thread what i have not been able to find anywhere online.
please let me know where i can find the pdf's for the following:(now, i know that there are multiple versions of these and that there are some that seem the same but they are not.
i am looking for the wt published versions of these publications.
Sorry for the delay - not sure if anyone is actually interested in this, but here goes anyway....
objavitelj said:
Difference between first NWT edition and all later revisions is in Matthew 24:45:
original: Who really is a faithful and discreet slave
later: Who really is the faithful and discreet slave
I said no, that is WRONG
BUT then, as proof objavitelj linked to an audio of a talk GB member Gerrit Lösch's apparently gave in Mexico in 2009 where he says in part:
"If you look up the first edition of the NWT it said this way - "Who really is A...", it didn't say "THE faithful and discreet slave..." ... But in the next... in the revision of the NWT this was corrected"
I still say that it is WRONG (but thanks for the link to his talk!)
I ask myself - does it seem right? does it smell right? does it fit in with what we know?... And, for me, it doesn't.
This is why...
New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was released in English in New York on Wednesday 2 August 1950.
The teaching of the F&D Slave is very important to the GB - it is really what gives them the 'authority' that they have.
A key aspect for Losch's talk was highlighting that it is wrong to think "that every individual Christian can be A faithful and discreet slave."
FIRST - I don't think the A-or-THE (mis)-translation has been discussed by the WT in print - if it was an 'issue' that early print versions of the NWT had actually used 'A', I would have expected it to have been discussed in print.
SECOND - I understand that, prior to the release of the NWT, the WT was using two main translations, both of which they where printing:
The King James which says: "Who then is A faithful and wise servant"
The American Standard which says: "Who then is THE faithful and wise servant"
The 'default' translation used (as stated in later editions of the 1950 WTs) was the King James Version
YET - the last time Matt 24:45 was quoted PRIOR to the release of the NWT was:
Watchtower 1 August 1950, page 228, paragraph 5
5 “Who then is THE faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath set over his household, to give them their food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, that he will set him over all that he hath.” (Matt. 24:45-47, Am. Stan. Ver.)
IF the NWT translation committee was going to use 'A' rather 'THE', why - in the lead up to its release - did they specifically decide to use the American Standard translation of 'THE' rather that the 'default' King James translation of 'A' for the above?
THEN the next time Matt 24:45 was quoted (and after the release of the NWT) was:
Watchtower 15 October 1950, page 387 paragaph 9
Modern versions render several Greek words by “household”, including the word which occurs only once, at Matthew 24:45. But here the new version makes a striking distinction, rendering the text: “Who really is THE faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics [oi·ke·tei'a] to give them their food at the proper time?” (NW)
Fascinating that it is the NWT that is used - and it uses 'THE' - this would have needed to have been taken from the very early edition - date-wise this magazine would have needed to have been printed almost as the August Convention was happening (if not slightly before and shipped straight after) to allow for distribution in time to the congregations.
This shows that even the VERY EARLIEST editions of the NWT used 'the' and NOT 'a'
THIRD - according to Losch it is a translation issue rather than a typo issue
During the initial print run, it would not be too surprising to have typos picked up and corrected by proof-readers - but it would be surprisng to have an actual translation issue picked up.
FOURTH - Losch is 'two-times' removed from the actual 'events'
Age-wise he is too young, and location-wise he was based in Europe not North America
BUT remeber that he is now a GB member, and unlike rank-and-file publishers - he will have access to all the original paper-work from the 1950 translation committee
It is therefore possible that an early version (but before it was printed) of the NWT used 'A' rather than 'THE' - and it is this that Losch was refering too - (but then we also need to consider the Second point above).
FIFTH - the 'chinese whispers' effect on Losch's talk
Losch first gave this talk back at the 2002 Annual Meeting, and it appears he has given it a number of times following this
The problem is, everytime the story it re-told, it can slightly change.....
SIXTH - I believe Losch stopped giving this talk after the following article appeared in the 2011 Yearbook?
Yearbook 2011, pages 9 to 10
(this was the article when the GB admitted that, after more 'fact-checking', some stories and accounts that had been printed in the WT where apparently not actually correct and are therefore no longer used - example given was Sir Isaac Newton and the model of the solar system - "who made it?" "nobody!")
SEVENTH - below is a picture of my 1950 first edition NWT of Christian Scriptures - clearly shows 'THE'
THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, I say this is a FALSE story
I believe what has happened is that Losch - who has been able to access and read all the original translation committee's paperwork - has mixed things up a bit between the 'working' versions being produced and the final version, what was actually printed for the public - and then, in re-telling the story a number of times, the story has slightly changed to imply the first printed edition for the public.
for kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
VIDEO: Visit to JW Ukraine Branch Office (uploaded Saturday 10 June 2017)
for kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
Or maybe like this?
Rheinische Post, Saturday 10 June 2017
Dusseldorf. In the world of Jehovah's Witnesses, there seems to be only black and white, proponents and opponents. Our author Verena Kensbock spoke with both sides: the followers Marcel and Myriam Nau and the drop-off Michael Spengler.
READ MORE (via Google translate)
for kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
Or like this?
Black pudding inventors
Diario De Soria, Saturday 10 June 2017
The 'morcilleros' maintain their commitment to the quality and the artisan processes and introduce the innovation to develop new concepts
Although perhaps the most revolutionary product of the brand has been the ecumenical blood sausage, a bloodless blood so that Jehovah's Witnesses can enjoy without sin.
READ MORE (via Google translate)
for kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
You mean like this??
BoE Letter, June 6, 2017 - Re: Improving Territory Coverage
Knock-on effect of all that 'trolley witnessing'?
i was trying to find something recent that i can show "still ins" in my sphere but it is proving harder than anticipated.. most of what i am seeing is couched in confusing goblygook wt style prattle.. my wife argues that it's not even true and i think that's the case with most jaydubs.. so i guess if it is a teaching that is being allowed to fade, maybe it's not worth pursuing?.
any of you scholars out there got anything recent clear and handy?.
Another, simple way to present it is by simply showing them the WT Publication Index.
Very black and white.
Use the 1986 to 2000 Edition
Look up 'Mediator' as the main heading - then look down to 'Jesus Christ', then 'for anointed only:'