Looks like im gonna have to subscribe to read it.
Or maybe just buy an ORIGINAL copy from the USA?
i have a request to our friends living in the usa.
im trying to track down an article printed by time magazine in which they interviewed fred franz.
in my local library here in liverpool they have a massive bound volume collection of time going back to the 1930s.
Looks like im gonna have to subscribe to read it.
Or maybe just buy an ORIGINAL copy from the USA?
hi .
trying to find info on the scandal involving mexican congregations not having prayers and singing at the meetings.. i have found some info on jw facts but would like more if anyone knows of a good website to look at.. watchtower observer had some info before but that website is long gone.. any help would be much appreciated.. thanks wgo..
I posted about this three months here:
References and PROOF is included in above link.
TL:DR - This happened in Mexico between 15 June 1943 to 1 April 1989 - no singing
of songs, no collective prayers, no bible use in first call door-to-door
- stopped being a religious society and became a civil education
society instead. KIngdom Halls renamed 'Halls for Cultural Studies'.
tragic news.
- limited information so far.. son finds parents stabbed to death inside north austin home.. abc7 chicago.
sunday 18 june 2017.. a son discovered his two parents stabbed to death inside a home on chicago's north austin neighborhood, police said.. he found his 67-year-old father and 69-year-old mother fatally stabbed in the 1400-block of north leclaire avenue and contacted police at about 1 a.m., police said.
Updated info:
Son found parents stabbed to death in Austin home; suspect in custody
Chicago Fox 32 News, 18 June 2017
Newman said the son who called police had been living with his parents and caring for his mom, who had recently been released from the hospital.
The Ervins were active members of their Jehovah’s Witness faith.
"They were well known community members in the community, worked in the community and also helped people in the community,” said Andrew Holmes, community activist.
Autopsies Monday found both died of multiple blunt force injuries, and their deaths were ruled homicides.
Couple stabbed to death on West Side: 'Everyone called them mom and pop'
Chicago Tribune, 18 June 2017
"I can't believe it," she said. "(The slain man) was taking care of his wife. She was sick, and they stayed in the house. They didn't bother anyone."
She said the couple was retired, and the slain woman previously worked for the U.S. Postal Service.
Son found parents stabbed to death in Austin home; person in custody
Sun Times Chicago Monday 19 June 2017
A person was in custody Sunday afternoon after a son found his elderly parents stabbed to death early Sunday in their Austin neighborhood home on the West Side.
The male returned home about 1:10 a.m. in the 1400 block of North LeClaire and found his parents with multiple stab wounds to their bodies, according to Chicago Police. He then called police.
His parents — 69-year-old Shirley Ervin and 67-year-old Johnnie Ervin — were pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said. Autopsies Monday found both died of multiple blunt force injuries, and their deaths were ruled homicides.
Charges were pending against the person in custody.
Chicago records 300th homicide over Father's Day weekend — just like last year
Chicago Tribune, 19 June 2017
Chicago recorded its 300th homicide over the Father's Day weekend, just like it did last year.
Over the entire weekend, 11 people were killed and at least 50 others were shot across the city.
Among those killed this past weekend were Shirley Ervin, 69, and her husband, Johnnie Ervin, 67, known as "mom and pop" on their block in North Austin. A relative found them around 1:10 a.m. Sunday inside their home in the 1400 block of North Leclaire Avenue. They had been stabbed to death, authorities said.
Man charged with stabbing elderly couple to death in Austin home
Sun Times Chicago Tuesday 20 June 2017
A man has been charged with stabbing an elderly couple to death early Sunday in their Austin neighborhood home on the West Side.
Dexter Barnes, 47, faces two felony counts of first-degree murder, according to Chicago Police. He lives on the same block as the stabbing.
69-year-old Shirley Ervin and 67-year-old Johnnie Ervin — were pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said. Autopsies Monday found both died of multiple sharp force injuries, and their deaths were ruled homicides.
Barnes eventually returned to the couple’s home and was subsequently identified as the attacker, police said. The incident was referred to as “domestic-related,” but additional details were not provided.
Barnes was scheduled to appear in bond court on Tuesday.
Austin Man Charged in Domestic Related Murder Offender: Dexter Barnes, 47
Chicago Police, Tuesday 20 June 2017
i’ve been hearing from several very reliable sources that there will be an exclusive elite gala entertainment event hosted by the watch tower organization, featuring specially chosen jehovah’s witnesses of outstanding talent as well as spiritual reputation, at the sony centre (formerly called the o’keefe centre) in toronto, ontario (canada) as a special “after hours” addition to the 2017 special international convention.. those chosen have to meet very strict criteria, including, not so much technical and popular talents, but, rather, their spiritual maturity which can be easily and practically related to by the audience (i.e., degree of conformity – you know what i mean!).
a notable and very well-known professional “super star” from some other country (i don’t know which one) who has achieved highly recognized and popular talent was surprisingly not chosen to participate in the extra entertainment program, whereas other performers with rather ho-hum musical abilities ended up being selected, ostensibly for their altruistic and “theocratic” qualities.
(something tells me that there is going to be some jealousy and indignant, hard feelings over this rather authoritarian, arbitrary selection process.
Hey SAHS - thanks for the low-down highlighting that the format of the 'Special Conventions' has remained the same over the last few years as per the letter to those wishing to be a delegate:
APPLICANT INSTRUCTIONS: 2017 Special Conventions: CONVENTION ARRANGEMENTS: The emphasis will be for the delegates to benefit, not only from the spiritual association during the three-day convention, but also to spend three additional days with the local brothers before or after the convention so that there may be “an interchange of encouragement by one another’s faith.” (Rom. 1:12) Hence, this would be a span of seven nights in the convention city. While in the convention city, the days immediately before or after the convention should not be arranged by a travel agency. Instead, the host branch office will create an itinerary for the delegate after receiving his activity preferences (for example, field service, attending gatherings with the local brothers, and visiting places of local interest together).
And also as per the publicly accessible official Special Convention website:
Locations > Canada > Are You Interested?
Convention Arrangements: You will benefit, not only from the spiritual association during the three-day convention, but also by spending three additional days with the local brothers either before or after the convention so that there may be “an interchange of encouragement by one another’s faith.” (Rom 1:12)
The host branch office will create an itinerary for your group based on your activity preferences. This will include field service, attending a gathering with local brothers and possibly visiting places of local interest.https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5695993188188160/_post/6018766154498048
Generally there is one evening of entertainment provided to delegates - with selected locals providing the entertainment.
Also for one day a local congregation will host a group of delegates - in the morning they'll be greeted at the local KH, then spend the morning on the ministry (getting to see BEHIND the tourist bright lights and allow them to get a feel for the local area) - they'll then enjoy lunch all together and have an afternoon for entertainment and chat/socialising, before the delegates return to their hotel in time for dinner.
In addition the delegates can go on a number of 'tourist-style' sightseeing trips conducted by local brothers and sisters who have all been trained.
Below is an example giving a feel for the whole experience, not just the entertainment, but also the welcome greetings etc etc - there are hundreds of similar videos on youtube
For those interested - the original original is available as an 8x10 Giclee Print
tragic news.
- limited information so far.. son finds parents stabbed to death inside north austin home.. abc7 chicago.
sunday 18 june 2017.. a son discovered his two parents stabbed to death inside a home on chicago's north austin neighborhood, police said.. he found his 67-year-old father and 69-year-old mother fatally stabbed in the 1400-block of north leclaire avenue and contacted police at about 1 a.m., police said.
Tragic news. - limited information so far.
Son finds parents stabbed to death inside North Austin home.
abc7 Chicago. Sunday 18 June 2017.
A son discovered his two parents stabbed to death inside a home on Chicago's North Austin neighborhood, police said.
He found his 67-year-old father and 69-year-old mother fatally stabbed in the 1400-block of North Leclaire Avenue and contacted police at about 1 a.m., police said. They have been identified to the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office as Johnnie and Shirley Ervin.
"Mrs. Ervin, she was a good woman, a Jehovah's Witness, God-fearing woman and Mr. Ervin was an upright man, took care of his family and everything," said Kevin Newson, who knew the victims.
due to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
but has anyone got a link to seeing on-line the whole programme including the talks?
Yes, the link is above - its around 17 hours in total
Or try this link: https://goo.gl/photos/s553Gz8LKtt3MqTx8
The WTS used to run a service JWStream
They still do, that's where these videos are from
....................then you couldn't have been "in the truth" nor was "the truth in you" until july 2013, because that month's watchtower was dedicated to reversing the following 8 "truths" and replacing them with opposing "truths".
you'd been believing and teaching falsehoods.. these are for any new members and those j.w.
's who visit here who have not seen this list before.
Please, in case nobody has realised..... the OP's forum name is meant to be IRONIC - that's the whole point!
Hence the JOKE of 'The Searchers' opening post!!...... It's meant to be a SPOOF
The articles in the Watchtower 15 July 2013 magazine that 'The Searcher' refers to are basically reviewing JW doctrine changes over the years - they DID NOT ALL CHANGE in July 2013.
BUT 'The Searcher' says that the changes all took place IN July 2013 - that's the JOKE!
Of course, 'The Searcher' is clever - see how Point 7 was slipped in:
7. There is an 'evil slave class'. (box on Page 24)
Watchtower 15 July 2013, page 24 box actually says:
Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No. Granted, some individuals have manifested a spirit similar to that of the evil slave described by Jesus. We would call them apostates, whether they were of the anointed or of the “great crowd.” (Rev. 7:9) But such ones do not make up an evil slave class. Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave. His words here are actually a warning directed to the faithful and discreet slave.
Do not underestimate 'The Searcher's' postmodern irony
( for example see: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5760931004940288/_post/6198147132948480 )
due to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
Thousands-upon-thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses are gathering together this weekend for the 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Special Congress being held in Wien from Friday 16 through to Sunday 18 June 2017 at the Happel Stadion.
Local Witnesses will be joined by many hundreds of specially invited delegates from as far away as United States with the programme being given in German as well as in Croatian and English.
In preparation for the event the Witnesses, familiar to all through both their door-to-door activity and street displays for their Bible magazine The Watchtower, have being spending the last three weeks distributing invitations to the public to attend this free event.
The highlight for many of the delegates will be on Saturday when hundreds of new converts from all walks of life and of all ages are due to be accepted into the faith by means of full water baptism.
Leading up to this congress, the Witnesses where featured in a number of segments on Austrian TV on Monday 12 June 2017:
Before the annual congress in the Happel Stadium some criticism of the recognized religious community.
21,000 people in Austria are Jehovah's Witnesses. Robert Jagarinec is no longer there. "When I started to ask critical questions, I ran against a wall. I decided to leave," says the family's father.
The Jagarinec family has long been a member of Jehovah's Witnesses. After exiting from the religious community recognized in Austria since 2009, she is now trying to return to life.
ORF reporter Christoph Feuerstein talks about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the consequences for those faithful who begin to doubt the correctness of this doctrine.
i was wondering if you guys think if the general public cares about our stories or if they even care what the watchtower does to people??
Or care if there are more (or less) Conventions taking place?