"....there are ATM's all throughout the venue. Remember to give of your first fruits."
I thought you used an ATM to take money OUT
anything i should be aware of?
i am not sure i will go, since i just moved away from home a month ago.
it is not cheap to travel 250km and pay for hotel here in denmark, and i am not exactly rich.
"....there are ATM's all throughout the venue. Remember to give of your first fruits."
I thought you used an ATM to take money OUT
today i read some news story's about the property deals of jw.org in brooklyn.
they made good money and good connections.. but i'm sure jw.org made a very, very big mistake in brooklyn.
they did.. they sold and are selling all the property for money.
My only doubt as to what they did, is dumping everything at once. Considering that their properties are prime real estate I would think that a gradual sale of the properties was a better idea.
360 Furman Street
Apparently they've been selling since around 2004....
anything i should be aware of?
i am not sure i will go, since i just moved away from home a month ago.
it is not cheap to travel 250km and pay for hotel here in denmark, and i am not exactly rich.
And that's about it.
Wot, no Asian drama?
following on from wifibandit's post with the summer 2017 newsletter here:.
fwiw here's a before and during view as you fly over the site:.
yeah, this is an artist's impression looking in the opposite direction:
hi there i am new to this and want to get some advice.
i think i was abused as a child by someone in a hall in central california a long time ago.
i have been seeing on here for a while, two names keep popping up to get help.
TBH looking at AbusedandPissed's posting history, I think they've "left the building"...
I only posted on this thread to highlight the new ARC report that has just been released as it's related to some of the 'memory' comments that have been made on this thread....
and I've already started a new topic today, so I think that''s my 'new-topic' limit used up until tomorrow...
anything i should be aware of?
i am not sure i will go, since i just moved away from home a month ago.
it is not cheap to travel 250km and pay for hotel here in denmark, and i am not exactly rich.
The link below has links to...
the FULL VIDEO of the ENTIRE convention, apart from prayers
the convention PROGRAMME listings
the talk OUTLINES
Can someone direct @CitizenofEarth to the "Wow, I do not recognize this religion anymore" thread? I'm not sure how to navigate this site properly yet.
i was thinking of my co grandfather who passed on a few years ago.
his wife my grandmother passed on in 99. i can remember him saying "i know after armageddon i can not be married to her but maybe we can live next to each other.
not sure where the cult stands on this issue today.
Hmm, interesting you're sliding this in here and now...
I think the section you're after, about Harry Peloyan, starts around the 24:20 mark on the video - in particular from 26:30
hi there i am new to this and want to get some advice.
i think i was abused as a child by someone in a hall in central california a long time ago.
i have been seeing on here for a while, two names keep popping up to get help.
never a jw: You think?? I am no psychologist, but that piece information raises suspicion.
Research finds misconceptions about memory may affect child sexual abuse prosecutions
6 July 2017
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a new research report about how memory affects child sexual abuse prosecutions.
The research report, Empirical Guidance on the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse on Memory and Complainant’s Evidence, outlines research findings that “common sense” beliefs about memory, frequently held by police, lawyers, judges, juries and laypeople, did not correspond with scientific knowledge about memory.
The research identifies a number of misconceptions that people hold about how memory works, and what memories are reliable. It reports that misconceptions about memory include that memory will be complete, unchanging and 'photographic'.
DOWNLOAD REPORT (PDF, 197 pages): http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/getattachment/82be1761-c7f8-400a-93cc-3cb7e4357d71/Empirical-Guidance-on-the-Effects-of-Child-Sexual
just came across this article by amrou al-khadi (a gay iraqi-born journalist who's living in the uk).. karar nushi, an iraqi actor, was found murdered in baghdad yesterday for rumours of his sexuality.
apparently, he'd been receiving death threats due to his 'transgressive appearance' leading up to this.. the author apparently blames western intervention for iraqis killing gay people in iraq:.
"i am a queer iraqi, and feel enormously privileged to live safely in london when i hear about such news.
The author apparently blames Western intervention for Iraqis killing gay people in Iraq
It is interesting that the SAME website, when news reporting on Karar Nushi's murder appears to makes no direct reference to his actual sexuality?
Iraqi male model brutally killed in Baghdad 'because of his good looks'
Karar Nushi was found dead in Baghdad after reportedly receiving death threats over his long hair and tight-fitting clothes.
Then there's the ex-jw comments below? (regarding another person)
may 24, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: donations to “jehovah’s witnesses of india” by indian passport holders.
Remember this is India - the government withdrew two banknotes (500R and 1000R) as legal currancy with just a few hours notice: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37915359
Maybe im missing something. But whats the problem with this?
haha nothing really...
But remember the darkspilver mantra: look beyond and behind what is written
Letter - March 21, 2016: Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India” (JWIndiaGift.org)
Which itself appears to be a re-hash from one sent out in December 2013:
Letter - December 2, 2013: Re: To all Congregations who have Indian citizens as members (JWIndiaGift.org)
Why has this been needed?
Because over the last couple of years there must have been a phenomenal growth of thousands-upon-thousands of Indian ex-pats from around the world becoming JWs - so the GB was re-issued these letters to show all these new JWs how they are uniquely positioned to be able to help spread the 'good news' back home in India