AverageJoe1: I've just noticed that the UK letterhead has changed; no mention of The Watchtower at all! Is this due to the current UK Charity Commission investigation? Have they changed the name of their financial side of the organisation again?
No. I don't believe it is anything like that at all - but cool for picking it up.
As I understand it, in the UK it is specifically the IBSA - the International Bible Students Association - that arranges the annual conventions, rather that the 'Watch Tower'.
The International Bible Students Association Report of the Trustees for the Year Ended 31st August 2016 specifically highlights that they arrange convention a number of times in the report:
I don't believe the equivalent Watch Tower Trustees Report actually mentions the conventions at all:
In addition, below is a photo of a couple of example convention programmes that clearly state that they are 'arranged and directed by the International Bible Students Association.'
AverageJoe1: How come there is a different letterhead for Ireland? That branch doesn't even exist anymore as far as I'm aware!
Good question.
See: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/4753511818461184/_post/5922414816919552