steve2: Unfortunately, when I make my own tables with the excel spreadsheet, all formatting is lost when I post the tables or graphs on this forum.
you really need to convert it to a graphic and post that - not sure what you know or anything...
I think the easiest way - if you have no graphics programmes, but are using a PC computer - is first make a free account:
1: then set up the view of the excel sheet as you want it, on your computer screen
2: take a 'screen-shot' by pressing the 'prt sc' button (print screen) - this saves the image to your copy/paste function
3: Go to imgur - click on 'new image' - then paste doing a crtl-V
4: In imgur you can do basic editing - just crop image to what you want - click save
5: Either copy/paste edited image into your forum post, or
6: in imgur, right click image with mouse and select 'view image' - then copy the url address - then in your forum post click on the 'image' button and copy the url of the image.
I prefer to use the insert image button on the forum post - I think it works better in terms of uploading etc.