This is the main local newspaper. The rather lengthy 940 word ONline version of the story has been somewhat drastically edited down to 350 words for the OFFline (printed) version. The headline has also been completely changed.
ONline: JWs criticised by charity commission over handling of sex abuse case
OFFline, in print: Church paedophile 'questioned' victims
For reference, below is the printed newspaper story/text (full page scan at bottom for context):
Manchester Evening News (M.E.N.) - Thursday 27 July 2017 - Page 4
Church paedophile ‘questioned’ victims
Victims of a convicted paedophile were made to attend a Jehovah’s Witness meeting where they were interrogated by the man who abused them, a Charity Commission investigation has found.
Back in 2014, the M.E.N. revealed how three women who complained Jehovah’s Witness elder Jonathan Rose, 43, had molested them as children were forced to relive their experiences in detail as eight other senior congregation members looked on.
The women had wanted Rose barred from the Manchester church.
Following our report, national regulator the Charity Commission launched an inquiry into the church at the centre of the controversy. The investigation concluded that trustees had ‘badly let down’ the women, and makes findings of misconduct and mismanagement against them.
Back in 2013, Rose was jailed for nine months for abuse against two little girls. One was aged five, another aged 10, when he targeted them at the Manchester Jehovah’s Witness congregation he belonged to. A third woman had accused Rose of molesting her 20 years earlier, but he was acquitted.
Despite this history, following Rose’s release from jail, he was allowed to return to twice-weekly services at the congregation.
The Charity Commission has now concluded that the women were ‘effectively required’ to attend a hearing where they had to repeat the allegations in the presence of the abuser, and that he had been allowed to question them.
The Commission has found that the trustees of the congregation ‘did not deal adequately’ with allegations against Rose – and in the earliest case has dismissed the accusation as ‘a matter between teenagers.’ Neither did trustees fully enforce restrictions on Rose, who was seen knocking on doors on behalf of the Jehovah’s Witnesses following his conviction.
Since the investigation was launched however, the charity has improved it’s safeguarding policy, the Commission has found.
A statement from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, he main legal body used worldwide by Jehovah’s Witnesses, said: “For years Jehovah’s Witnesses have had a robust child safeguarding policy. The trustees followed the policy by imposing restrictions on the perpetrator and by ensuring that he had no unsupervised contact with children during congregation meetings.”