Ray Frankz: the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights)... is an agency of the UN!
Is it??, Really?
i just realized now, (ironically by checking on jw.org) that the echr (european court of human rights), the government agency that has been literally saving the jws to be banned in so many countries - and they are very thankful for that, as they say in their recent purple history book - is an agency of the un!.
as it is well known, the gb consider the un as a high-class enemy of god's kingdom, believing it is the beast mentioned in revelation.
this interpretation was totally from f. franz and n. knorr, this last one still being reagarded every now and then as the one who gave the speech with this "new light".
Ray Frankz: the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights)... is an agency of the UN!
Is it??, Really?
daniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
cha ching: Here are a couple of trailers, 'apparently' is is classified as a comedy.
The youtube video trailer/s you posted are from a 2015 film about the Catholic Church - NOT the 2017 movie I posted about in the OP that is about the JWs
daniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
FYI - from an old article
In development with iFeatures (BFI, BBC, Creative England), 'Apostasy' will be the only English-language feature film of its kind to deal with the Jehovah's Witness faith
15 January 2015
As one of eight projects selected for development by iFeatures - the UK’s most exciting low budget feature film initiative - 'Apostasy' will be the only English-language feature film of its kind to deal with the Jehovah's Witness faith.
"I’ve had a lifelong interest in the Jehovah’s Witnesses even after I grew up and moved away from family members involved in the religion," said Dan Kokotajlo, a self-taught director based in Manchester, who left the faith aged 21. "Their inner workings and how their teachings affect people continue to intrigue me."
This will be the only English-language fictional film to address the difficulty in leaving the faith and the pain caused by shunning or ‘disfellowshipping’.
"Common to most people who try to leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the way in which the religion breaks up the family. People are taught that God’s love is more important than family," explains Kokotajlo. "On a bigger scale, I want to explore what faith really means to people today and why it exists."
READ MORE: http://uk.prweb.com/releases/2015/01/prweb12440034.htm
daniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
Daniel Kokotajlo's new film Apostasy has it's World Premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2017
Family and faith come into conflict for two Jehovah’s Witness sisters in Manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.
This fresh, unadorned first feature from director Dan Kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes. Set in a Jehovah's Witness community in England, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.
Apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion. Raised in The Truth, as the faith is known to Jehovah's Witnesses, sisters Alex, 18, and Louisa, 21, take their religious mission door to door amongst a large Pakistani community in Oldham, Greater Manchester. It comes as a shock to both Alex (Molly Wright) and the girls' equally devout mother, Ivanna (Siobhan Finneran), when Louisa (Sacha Parkinson) starts seeing a young man who is a non-believer and begins pushing back against Ivanna's straightjacket of values. The Elders of the church watch carefully and Louisa is condemned for having lost her way.
At the same time, Alex is courted by a new arrival, a committed Elder who receives the blessing of her mother the and community alike. What transpires from there is far from predictable, and the outcome stretches the women's faith to its breaking point. As the sisters embark on their own paths, Ivanna's love and loyalties are torn.
Kokotajlo guides us through the emotional depths of a family whose hearts are fractured by colliding beliefs.
READ MORE: http://www.tiff.net/tiff/apostasy/
MORE INFO: http://www.dankokotajlo.com
CAST: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siobhan_Finneran - TV's Benidorm (Janice Garvey)
CAST: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacha_Parkinson - TV's Coronation Street (Sian Powers)
CAST: https://www.independenttalent.com/actors/molly-wright/ - TV's Our Girl (Lulu Lane)
CAST: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Emms - Film War Horse (David Lyons)
shadow: Maybe I'm dumb but
I think it's like 'grooming' - you don't send a nude first, there's a back-and-forth, with pics getting more and more revealing and explicit
The demo is set at a school
I do not know which country you are in. In the UK:.
DO NOT CONFUSE the age of 'consent' with the age of 'sexting' - they are NOT the same!
Two 16-year-olds can legally have consensual physical sex - there is NO offence committed.
BUT a 16-year-old commits an offence if they simply take a sexually explicit photo of themselves on their own phone (it does not even need to be sent to anyone else - a 16-year-old simply having a sexually explicit photo of themselves, taken by themselves, and on their own phone, which no one else has even seen, is an offence.)
The 16-year-old will then be committing a further offence if they send that image to another child, or to an adult.
ex-circuit overseer here, ama.
More AMA Answers....
Have you considered going public with who you are and become an exjw activist? Also are there any apostates in the central american countries that you have since become aware of?
No way.
I highly respect Cedars and his work. I watch his videos and I learn from them. But for now I want to stay underwater and try to slowly help some out. I made a huge mistake and outright blasted my mother with the facts and she disowned me. She has been a Witness for 47 years. So with my wife I went very very slow. I read on here questions to ask and methods to use. Slowly.
It worked! Now I want to do the same with others I know.
As far as apostates in Central America, I don't know of any. I know some who have faded, but I have no idea if they are apostate.
I bet you know to speak Spanish.....so I will ask this. There is a very active Facebook page in Spanish its name is Crecer como Testigo de Jehova (something like:'growing up as Jehova's Witness) There are a lot of opinions and debates exposed for the Spanish speaking community... everything can be anonymous we understand... Thanks for your great story we hope from hearing from you. Your story will have a great impact to the people living in Spanish speaking countries Gracias.
Si claro. Con tan solo que no me identifican. Hay pocos norteamericanos en esos paises y soy conocido.
Yes of course. As long as they don't identify me. There are very few North Americans in those countries and I am known there.
I will see how to join that page.
I don't remember the details of the 95 generation teaching change. I do remember the overlapping teaching. Was that 2008 or 10. How did that hit you?
It was 1995. We studied it on Monday morning in the missionary home as is the custom. (Bethel homes have their WT study at night). There were 13 of us, missionaries from Canada, US, Spain, and Mexico.
It was an awkward study. No one said anything against what was written. But afterward we all talked about it in private conversation. We tried to smooth it over saying that it's obvious we are in the last days. I had always decided to leave my assignment if the end didn't come by 2000.
At this point, I just have my sister and brother-in-law still mentally in, and my best friend who left with me still has his parents mentally in. Both of us successfully faded and our families aren't shunning either of us yet. What do you think would be the best way to slowly chip away at our families without triggering the "apostate alarms?"
They can't know you are "guiding them." That is tough for me to do especially since I love to debate and I have problems controlling my counter-points I tend to raise my voice. So you have to ask questions that don't raise alarms. And you have to figure out what their triggers are. What matters to them. For some it's the lack of protection for children. For others it's the hypocrisy of the Organization. Listen a lot while not letting them preach to you. My wife previously became very angry when I criticized the Governing Body. So I stopped that. Since we have small children I started talking about safety. About once a week maybe. She would talk about it also. One day I asked, "If you found out for sure that the organization was lax on safety for children, would it make a difference to you?" She said yes it would. THEN I showed her the Australian Royal Commission. She watched hours of it. So make sure that you find out what is really important to them first.
Another example: Suppose your family is talking about earthquakes and how there are more and more. Don't blast them with earthquake data. Ask them, "What If you found out that the rate of earthquakes has remained constant in the past 100 years? Would that be a big deal to you?"
Let THEM make the connection. Remember you already have a strike against you. You have faded. So they already likely view you with suspicion. They are on the defence.
Recently I was taking to my brother in law who still attends. He was saying how the elders are not fit to judge people and how some of the doctrines don't make sense. Then he said, "All I know is that Jehovah is God's name and that he is God."
What question would you ask him? I asked him, "What IF Jehovah is not Gods name?"
He sat for literally a full minute in silence. Then he changed the subject. I left it alone. Little by little.
One final thing I want to tell you. None of these questions or methods I am saying are mine. None.
I made huge mistakes with my family when I first was waking up. Then after reading on this subreddit and jehovahs-witness.com for years I learned how to help someone out of a cult. I also read Steve Hassan's books. And even still I get too excited when I talk with family and friends that are still in and I go too far and then of course I become their enemy. So go slow. And don't think I came up with any of these methods because I didn't. I learned all these methods on this forum.
Good luck and keep me posted. You can PM me if you prefer. Try to remember how conversations with your family went and let us know. Your experience will help us also who are trying with our families. We are trying to help others out of a cult! Let's do it!
You asked: "What do you mean 'funkiest running congregation story'?" - The congregations were even more patriarchal than English. The elders didn't really try to hide that they ran the congregation as they see fit. It didn't matter if that ran contrary to the stated rules. They started the congregations and it was going to do what they wanted. That's what I mean by funky.
For example, all counsel was personal opinion and we'll outside of their jurisdiction. I'd tell my dad who was an elder about these things. He'd always say they're imperfect men, but I've never heard of someone doing that before.
Oh I see. Yes, I can think of several examples. One is that the elders required publishers to get permission from them to have a party. And if they gave permission, then the elders would be there to supervise. They would control the music and in some congs would ban songs in English. Also. No slow dancing allowed unless you were married. In the rural areas the elders banned alcohol. Also, when a brother became interested in a sister then the elders would meet with him, then her, then them both. They would also counsel the sisters on dress. If a small group went to a lake or the beach, the elders would require that all sisters wear a dark t-shirt over their bathing suit and also wear shorts.
Yep, lots of rules.
Sadly, [my family are] a little too long time indoctrinated for 'what if' socratic questions. Closest we got was the ARC abuse write up online with my mom (BBC news as I recall). She came back with a trump-style "fake news the world is in the power of the wicked one" response a day later. If people want to believe, they will, and there's not a thing you can do to stop it.
True. Some in my family are shunning me, but my wife, to my surprise, woke up. We are still trying little by little to reach the "authentic person" behind our family members that still talk to us.
I was an Elder for 4.5 years for the age of 27-32. Born and raised in the truth, I hid the fact I was gay. I knew I was gay when I got baptized. But never did anything about it. I was the "perfect example" in the cong. After being appointed as an elder, I started seeing guys, late at night. In the USA how common is this type of situation? Hiding the fact you are gay or trying to live 2 lives.
I think the percentage of gay people is the same in each country, some just hide it. Unfortunately I didn't help those in my circuit. I just repeated whatever the Watchtower said. We did find out that several were living a double life. In Central America even outside the organization it is frowned upon though.
Here in the US I know several JW non-practicing gays, and I know some who were found out for having a boyfriend in secret. So no, you are not alone. Even in Bethel some brothers have secret boyfriends.
What do you feel about many people who speak out on having mental health problems because of the religion?
They are correct. The organization causes horrible depression and anxiety.
I was sucked in via door-to-door with the 1984 magazine claiming the 1914 generation would not die. Woke up in 2009 and never looked back. I hear snippets from other exjw sites and the many local exjws in my area about so many changes I hardly recognise it as something I once belonged to. My youngest child went to a JW wedding at the weekend and got love bombed. Although both newlyweds work at the same office as my daughter and they all do the same hours the talk encouraged the wife to be keeping the house clean and cooking her husband's favourite meal and new hubby was instructed to buy random bunches of flowers to show his appreciation for her hard work in the home! Clearly the misogyny hasn't changed. Lol
Misogyny. That's the word I was looking for. Thank you. Once in my assignment during the WT study in the congregation, there was a photo of a husband doing the dishes. One of the comments FROM AN ELDER was, "Well that doesn't apply here in Central America."
I've heard a lot about demonism in Latin America and the brothers not being able to leave behind spiritistic practices. Have you had any experience with this?
They all have crazy demon stories. I tried to get them to stop but they wouldn't. One of my friends there insisted that his grandmother's house was demonized and he needed the brothers to help him get on and out of the house since the demons would hold him in there with a cold breeze. The elders also mischaracterize mental illness as demon influence. I have known them to check a person's possessions to see if some have dubious origin, in their opinion.
Did you ever see people die from refusing a blood transfusion. It is my understanding, albeit anecdotally, that this can be more common in developing nations, due to lack of resources that might be more common in western medicine.
The Branch never asked to me to go on the HLC or on Patient Visitation. They usually asked need-greaters to do that. As a CO I didn't have the time, also need-greaters usually had businesses and more local clout to deal with doctors, if that makes sense. I would hear of cases but I personally never saw one. I would always visit sick ones in the hospital but only once was the blood issue involved. The government somehow provided erythropoietin (EPO) for free and saved the patient. Since I know other missionaries in other countries they have told me they personally have seen Witnesses die in refusing blood. They were proud of them.
ok, this is from 2006. but someone on reddit mentioned it and posted a link.
my word, the micro-management and unnecessary lengths they go to to control:.
2017 / 2018 Circuit Assembly: Don't Give Up in Fulfilling the Law of Christ!
Fulfilling the Law of Christ When Unseen by Humans
INTERVIEW (3 min.) [Scripted interview with an elder. The script does not need to be presented word for word but should be followed as a guide]
Speaker: Please explain how some fall into the habit of viewing pornography.
Elder: They may start by viewing provocative images that are not pornographic, such as people in swimwear and models in advertisements. They rationalize that such images are not so bad. As they continue to feed wrong desires, they gradually escalate to viewing worse things.
Speaker: Can you elaborate?
Elder: With a relaxed sense of danger, they may begin to channel surf late-night television or stray to inappropriate Internet sites when no other person is around. There are also emotional triggers that cause some to let down their guard, such as feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. A married person may even find fault with his or her mate in an attempt to justify viewing pornography.
Speaker: What can a person who is struggling with an attraction to pornography do?
Elder: It is imperative that the person make it his or her responsibility to know and be guided by Bible principles.
Speaker: Please share a few examples of Bible principles that have proved helpful.
Elder: I'll mention three:
Colossians 3:5 says: 'Deaden your body members as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness.' The word "deaden" vividly conveys the idea of striking improper sexual thoughts dead, not simply suppressing them. This means that the individual must be aware of how the things he views affect him and then immediately stop viewing anything that fuels improper desires.
James 5:16 says: "Openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another... A righteous man's supplication has a powerful effect." This means seeking help from others. Confiding in others, such as one's mate, a trusted friend, or an elder, will take courage and determination. Yet, it is a vital step in counteracting the pull of pornography.
Philippians 2:13 says: "God . . . energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act." This shows that if a person prays to God and yields to His holy spirit, it will help him to conquer wrong desires and actions.
Speaker: Thank you for reminding us of these Bible principles and their application, which have been discussed in our publications.READ MORE: http://avoidjw.org/en/publications/2018-circuit-assemblies/
do you think serena will get df'd now that she has a bun in the oven?
or was she ever baptized, in that case she would just be marked, right?.
Serena Williams on Pregnancy, Power, and Coming Back to Center Court
Vogue, August 15, 2017
“He’s extremely smart but not a know-it-all. He’s curious about what he doesn’t know. Being a Jehovah’s Witness is important to me, but I’ve never really practiced it and have been wanting to get into it. Alexis didn’t grow up going to any church, but he’s really receptive and even takes the lead. He puts my needs first.”
READ MORE: http://www.vogue.com/article/serena-williams-pregnancy-vogue-september-issue-2017
....are needed by tuesday 19 september 2017 !your voice in the white house.
we the people ask the federal government to tell us what the federal government is doing about an issue: investigate watchtower bible and tract society for known child sexual abuse within its organization and not reported.. created by h.c. on august 20, 2017. save the children!
pass a law to protect children.
....are needed by Tuesday 19 September 2017 !
Your Voice in the White House
WE THE PEOPLE ask the federal government to tell us what the federal government is doing about an issue: Investigate Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for known child sexual abuse within its organization and not reported.
Created by H.C. on August 20, 2017
Save the children! Pass a law to protect children. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Jehovah's Witness organization, has been in the Austrailian Royal Commissions investigations and has not turned over 1000 cases of child sexual abuse to the proper authorities. This has happened because of the two witness rule. For an example, if a child comes to an elder to report being improperly touched etc, the elders will have a meeting with the accused and the child. If it's just the child's word against the accused and no other witness, then the case is dismissed. They do not turn it over to the authorities creating a safe haven for Pedophiles and allow them to go door to door of homes with children. WTBTS & it's organization is a danger all children.ren.
100,000 signatures are need by September 19, 2017 to get a response from the White House
hat tip: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/6vba60/sign_and_share/
Don't forget:
UK - 2,117 signatures so far
UK - 125 signatures so far
Dutch - 975 signatures so far
USA - 1,966 signatures so far
Australia - 1,213 signatures so far
ex-circuit overseer here, ama.
Diogenesister: I also loved him saying he could be a grandpa but has little kids because he was" late to the party" but he made it in the end, talking about having a wife and kids. Me too!
haha - I was wondering how old he is....
He said: I was a true believer. Regular pioneering at 16, missionary at 24... I am a graduate of the Ministerial Training School back when the school was new and they sent some graduates out as missionaries. I was assigned to Central America. I was a field missionary (140 hours per month) for three years then I was sent into the circuit work. This was during the years 1990-2001.
On the assumption (which I have no reason to doubt) that he only became a 'missionary' once he had graduated from MTS (and not before) - then the age/timeline I work out - give a year either way - is:
1966 = born
1982 = 16-years-old (regular pioneer)
1990 = 24-years-old (MTS graduate missionary)
1993 = 27-years-old (Circuit Overseer)
2001 = 35-years-old (returned to SoCal USA)
2017 = 51-years-old (now)