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JoinedPosts by darkspilver
custody orders, proving to the court why my daughters should be baptized at 18. JW OR NOT
by Gokumonkey inhello everyone ive been posting about this situation about my daughters and their jw mom so if u want to get a back story about whats going on you can check out my previous posts.. note- daughters are only 5 months old, and i live in the united states.. right now im typing up my court orders to present to the court but ive come to a road block.
i want to add reasons to why its not a good idea to have my daughters be baptized at a young age.. here is my rough draft -.
"age appropriate baptism – i wish that my daughters to be baptized at the legal age of 18 years old.
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
berrygerry - the discussion is regarding the situation when someone is over the age of consent, but under the age of majority (ie, they are still a minor, as per the title of this thread).
you also need to divide the secular from the 'spiritual' - there are other situations of child sexual abuse where the secular court finds the alleged perpetrator 'not guilty', but the 'spiritual' congregation finds them 'guilty' and disfellowships them.
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
John Davis: The law is an extremely complicated thing and isn't always cut and dry.
Which is also I suppose why the letter says that the: "elders should call the Service Department before proceeding." - rather than the WT writing a specific letter for each state and country around the world.
berrygerry: Dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century.
haha - at your ironic comment
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
John Davis: even though the age of majority is the same in all states 18.
Except when it isn't....
USA: Colorado = 21
https://minors.uslegal.com/age-of-majority/colorado-age-of-majority-law/USA: Mississippi = 21
August 31, 2017 BOE Re: Procedure for Handling Certain Cases of Wrongdoing
by wifibandit inaugust 31, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: procedure for handling certain cases of wrongdoing.
who serve as Bethel family members, construction servants, full-time and part-time commuters, full-time and part-time construction commuters, remote servants and volunteers, field missionaries, special pioneers, Assembly Hall servants, and Bible school facility servants.
NotBlind: Very interesting that wrongdoing involving Circuit Overseers is conspicuously absent from that list!
Not really, IMHO - I expect that COs, and their wifes, are not included because they are not actually assigned to a congregation - ie no congregation holds their publisher cards, I suspect that Bethel themselves hold them, so Bethel would deal with them judically, if needed, anyway, rather than an individual congregation.
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
Victims of child sexual abuse are not handled judicially. However, if the body of elders believes that congregation action may be warranted in the case of a mature minor who was a willing participant in wrongdoing, two elders should call the Service Department before proceeding.
The issue here seems to be the difference in the 'age of majority' (ie when a person stops being a 'minor') and the 'age of consent', which are not the same.
It appears that generally the age for consent is lower than the age for majority.
For example I understand that in New Zealand the 'age of consent' is 16, but the legal term 'age of majority' is 20.
Hence the above quote to cover the situation with 17, 18 and 19-year-old 'mature minors' in New Zealand.
Governing Body Members Autographing Bibles
by HereIgo ini have an online ex jw friend who pointed out to me that she stumbled upon a may 15, 1999 watchtower that had pictures of governing body members autographing bibles for people.
i have no bound volumes or cd rom copies anymore so i can verify.
two things came to mind, if this is true:.
I think the interesting issue with the OP is the (rhetorical) question that the GB asked the R&F in the WT from last year..... let's look...
Watchtower 15 May 1999: A Historic Visit Makes an Island Rejoice[Picture on page 8] Governing Body members sign gift Bibles for public officials
Full page scan below (Gerrit Losch, John Barr and Lloyd Barry)
Watchtower Study January 2016: "We Want to Go With You"[Box on page 27] Love "Does Not Behave Indecently"
We can show Christian love by the way we treat those taking the lead in the congregation. At times, well-known representatives of the Christian congregation — perhaps circuit overseers, Bethelites, members of the Branch Committee, members of the Governing Body as well as their helpers — may attend a convention or theocratic event that we also attend. Naturally, we want to show such brothers and their wives due respect. None of us would want to imitate the attitude of Diotrephes. He refused to welcome the visiting brothers with respect. (3 John 9, 10) But could we, even unintentionally, show a lack of good manners by going to the opposite extreme? How might we do that?
While we appreciate having an opportunity to meet and talk with visiting brothers and their wives, we would show a lack of respect if we treated such ones as celebrities. For example, would it show good manners to take candid photos of such ones—without permission—while they are eating and engaging in other activities? Would we ask them to autograph our books and Bibles? Would we push in front of others and aggressively demand that our photo be taken with them? Surely, none of these actions display true Christian love. Rather, they could show that we have missed the purpose of the visit and the hard work that such faithful ones do in our behalf. What effect could such behavior have on those attending one of our assemblies for the first time?
Watchtower Simplified Study January 2016: "We Want to Go With You"[Box on page 27] Love "Does Not Behave Indecently"
For example, would it show good manners if we take photos of themwithout their permission or when they are not aware of it, perhaps when they are eating or doing something else? Would we ask them to sign our books and Bibles? Would we push in front of others and insist that we have a photo taken with them? -
New property website listing: York St.
by neat blue dog inhttp://oneyorkst.com.
it's been a while since they've had a listing or a sale..
FYI - apart from the 'parking lot' - the Eagle says that the WT has only three other properties left...
Jehovah’s Witnesses put massive DUMBO parking lot up for saleBrooklyn Daily Eagle, Thursday, August 31, 2017
The end approaches for Watchtower properties in Brooklyn
The Watchtower is selling its massive parking lot at 1 York St., a prime site just north of the Brooklyn Bridge, in DUMBO. The property is the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ last site in DUMBO, though the religious organization still owns several properties in Brooklyn Heights.
Watchtower property in Brooklyn not yet sold
- 80 Willow St. in the Brooklyn Heights Historic District, a 3-story, 11-unit residence.
- A 2-story carriage house 86 Willow St., in the Brooklyn Heights Historic District, with two residential units.
- The Watchtower has listed “The Towers,” at 21 Clark St., called an “architectural gem” in the Brooklyn Heights Historic District. The 16-story building was formerly the Leverich Towers Hotel, one of Brooklyn Heights’ grand hotels dating back to 1927. The Watchtower purchased it in 1975 for $1.99 million, Finance Department records show, then remodeled it to serve as a residence and dining room.
http://www.brooklyneagle.com/articles/2017/8/31/jehovahs-witnesses-massive-dumbo-parking-lot-for-saleThe WT website for The Towers at 21 Clark Street is: http://21clarkstreet.com
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
_Morpheus: Omg am i the only one who sees paragraph 13 as an end to the two witness rule?
I don't think so - paragraph 13 of the letter references ks10 chapter 5 paragraphs 37-39, on pages 71 and 72, which deals with 'two witnesses'.
Possible Class Action Lawsuit for Mis-Handling by Jehovahs Witness Officials of Alleged Sexual Abuses
by higgertylaw intraduction francaise disponible: http://www.higgertylaw.ca/class-action-lawsuits/jehovahs-witness-child-sexual-abuse-class-action-lawsuit/action-collective-pour-les-enfants-victimes-dabus-sexuel-au-sein-des-temoins-de-jehovah/.
we are currently investigating a possible class action lawsuit against the watchtower bible and tract society of canada concerning alleged sexual abuse and its subsequent handling by jehovah’s witness officials.
the watchtower bible and tract society of canada has been accused of allegedly turning a blind eye to the sexual abuse that was allegedly inflicted upon child members of the congregation.. for more information, visit our website to contact us or give us a call.
Thanks, you may also be interested in the discussion about this from a few months back....
I note that Higgerty Law have now added a link to the 'JW Class Action Lawsuit' page from the 'Class Action Lawsuit' page here: