bemused: the British Social Attitudes Survey, which is a major annual survey, the latest report covering the year 2013... For the first time, those people saying they are not members of any religious group are in the majority in the UK
Somewhat unsurprisingly the lastest British Social Attitudes survey released today - September 4, 2017 - shows the tend is continuing....
British Social Attitudes: Record number of Brits with no religion
National Centre for Social Research, Monday, September 4, 2017
The latest data on religious affiliation from NatCen’s British Social Attitudes survey reveals that the proportion of people in Britain who describe themselves as having no religion is at its highest ever level.
More than half (53%) of the British public now describe themselves as having “no religion”, up from 48% in 2015. The proportion of non-believers has increased gradually since the survey began in 1983, when the proportion saying they had no religion stood at 31%.
The media are picking up on the Survey - for example: