smiddy3 - thank you for your comments.
The OP Sir82 wanted to build a 'repository' of JW experiences with Hurricane Harvey - I am sure that, once collected, Sir82 will be able to editorialize everything within the context of the whole repository.
Therefore, as per Sir82's original request, I'm just posting here what I find/know about, without commenting (either for or against) - I'm just acting as the messenger.
Personally I do think it would be remiss of Sir82 to ignore the pictures I posted here - excluding the WT's own online and offline media - I believe those pictures will become the most widely distributed photos of JWs involved in Hurricane Harvey - and it is important that Sir82 does contextualize them within the comments you made.
Remember, those pictures appear to be popping up around the world....
USA Minnesota:
USA Denver:
CANADA Montreal: