Diogenesister: I've always thought the Australian sister (? Barber) so funny when she says
Melba Barry, wife of Lloyd Barry
FWIW her 'the end was so close at that time' comment is at the 6:45 mark
what happens to the wife after their gb husband dies..
Diogenesister: I've always thought the Australian sister (? Barber) so funny when she says
Melba Barry, wife of Lloyd Barry
FWIW her 'the end was so close at that time' comment is at the 6:45 mark
what happens to the wife after their gb husband dies..
pale.emperor: ask and you shall receive! I'll get hunting.
oh cool! thanks
And interesting too in view of the OP's question......that picture is from Melita Jaracz's life story that was published in the 2015 September Watchtower, when she was 88, and five years after her husband Ted had died.
i was just shown a jc letter from a friend and i noticed that the bottom of it was signed by tree elders.
the letter specifically stated that it was an invitation to a "judicial committee" due to the brother having a marital relationship that was not aligned with bible principles.. i am asking because i remember reading experiences of brothers who demanded their jc be arranged over certified mail with signed letters to which elders refused to do.
since they could not get this done the matter was dropped and no dfing ever happened.
It wouldn't be for dating/marrying an 'unbeliever' - that would be a 'marking' matter, NOT a JC, providing the courtship was a 'clean' one.
Therefore the most likely reason would be for entering an 'adulterous marriage'.
Shepherd the Flock of God, page 130
Adulterous Marriage
If a divorced person remarries and he was not Scripturally free to do so - in other words, if adultery and rejection by the innocent mate had not occurred - he has entered into an adulterous marriage. In Jehovah’s eyes, he has married someone while still bound to another. Entering into such a marriage would call for judicial action.
If the disfellowshipped one was eventually reinstated, the elders would be very cautious in extending any special privileges. He could share in the cleaning and repair of the local Kingdom Hall. He may eventually give student talks in the Theocratic Ministry School if his doing so would not disturb others. However, he would not be assigned to help with literature, accounts, magazines, attendants, or similar privileges in the congregation as long as the innocent former mate is alive, unmarried, and has not been guilty of porneia. - w83 3/15 p.29.
i'm sure orphancrow will be able to fill in the details for us.. front page news with picture all over the canadian globe and mail newspaper today.. with major double-page spread across the whole of pages 8 and 9 in the newspaper's front section.. globe and mail, tuesday 8 august 2017.. the patient, a 70-year-old man with high-risk prostate cancer, was a jehovah’s witness.. his religion was one of the reasons he decided to undergo surgery at st. joseph’s healthcare in hamilton, home to a robot named da vinci whose steady metal hands can remove a prostate with scant risk of the blood transfusions forbidden by the man’s faith.. on a recent afternoon, the patient laid unconscious on an operating table as surgeon bobby shayegan and his team plunged a camera and three robotically controlled surgical instruments through small incisions in his abdomen.. dr. shayegan settled himself in front of a three-dimensional screen, clasped the two joysticks that controlled the tools inside his patient’s pelvis and proceeded to cut, cauterize and stitch until he freed the man’s prostate, pulling it out through one of the original incisions.. there was next to no blood.. “that was routine,” dr. shayegan said afterward, holding the plum-sized gland that he and the robot had removed together.
...in its first real ruling on a robotic surgery, the expert committee that advises ontario on which new health technologies to pay for said there was no good evidence that robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is any better than conventional open surgery when it comes to controlling cancer or preserving urinary and sexual function.. the panel said the robot’s other benefits – patients have smaller incisions, lose less blood, suffer less pain and leave the hospital sooner – were not significant enough to justify spending, on average, an extra $3,224 a case, a figure that does not include the millions that wealthy benefactors have spent buying the machines for canadian hospitals.
Now it's happening in the UK.....
Robotic-Assisted Surgery - Balancing Evidence and Implementation
Journal of the American Medical Association, Tuesday, October 24, 2017
READ FULL ARTICLE: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2658297
High cost of robot surgery not justified
The Times, Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Patients having robotic cancer surgery do no better than those undergoing conventional keyhole operations.
Doctors have said that companies must either improve the technique or cut the cost because the NHS cannot afford to spend money for little benefit.
The growth of robotic surgery has been largely driven by marketing in the US rather than clinical evidence, researchers say in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The NHS has 58 surgical robots, which cost more than £1 million each, adding about £1,000 to the cost of each operation. “Surgical technology just seems to creep its way in to clinical practice,” said David Jayne, of St James’s University Hospital in Leeds. “The big thing about robot surgery is it’s dramatically expensive. The NHS was forking out millions of pounds and we had no idea if there was any benefit.”
His trial of 471 patients having rectal cancer surgery found no significant evidence the robots made procedures easier to do. Complication and death rates were the same as for keyhole surgery.
A Stanford study of 24,000 patients found that robot-assisted operations for kidney cancer took longer and there was no difference in complication rates.
READ FULL ARTICLE: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/high-cost-of-robot-surgery-not-justified-380ltvlhq
i was just shown a jc letter from a friend and i noticed that the bottom of it was signed by tree elders.
the letter specifically stated that it was an invitation to a "judicial committee" due to the brother having a marital relationship that was not aligned with bible principles.. i am asking because i remember reading experiences of brothers who demanded their jc be arranged over certified mail with signed letters to which elders refused to do.
since they could not get this done the matter was dropped and no dfing ever happened.
Yes, letter signed by all three members of the Judicial Committee.
Shepherd the Flock of God, page 82
Inviting the Accused to the Judicial Hearing
It is best for two elders to invite him orally. Their invitation should include the following information:
- Make clear that the meeting is a judicial hearing.
- Explain what his course of action is alleged to have been.
- State the time and place of the hearing and how the person can contact the chairman if the person is unable to meet at the scheduled time and location
The assigned elders should make every effort to arrange for a judicial hearing right away. Leaving the matter unresolved can harm the congregation and the accused. If the accused does not make himself available to receive an oral invitation despite repeated efforts by the judicial committee, then the judicial committee should send a written invitation. (Do not leave confidential information on an answering machine or voice mail or send by way of e-mail.) A written invitation signed by the judicial committee should include the same information as outlined above for an oral invitation. If possible, send the invitation in such away that the elders can verify that the addressee received it. If they are unsuccessful in their diligent efforts to invite him and they cannot confirm that he received the invitation, they should hold the matter in abeyance.
what happens to the wife after their gb husband dies..
compound complex: Marina Sydlik
and Penny Pierce?
pale.emperor seems to be the one who likes to upload the pics on this thread - so let's see if he is able to get a post-2014 Penny Pierce or a post-2006 Marina Sydlik picture to upload......
what happens to the wife after their gb husband dies..
pale.emperor - the OP is about GB WIDOWS, both the pictures you've posted are of GB members who are still alive!!!
Are there currently any GB widows who are still alive??
last thursday i bunch of us working decided we were going to head down to the state fair and badge our way in to get a fletcher's corny dog for lunch.
we had to go to a specific gate to park and show our credentials to get in.
this meant driving halfway around the perimeter of the entire fairgrounds.
problemaddict2 - I believe that according to the OP the carts where OUTSIDE the fair, NOT inside?
what happens to the wife after their gb husband dies..
Deltawave: What happens to the wife after their GB Husband dies.
they get interviewed
Interview With Faithful Sisters—Widows of Governing Body Members (27 minute video)
last thursday i bunch of us working decided we were going to head down to the state fair and badge our way in to get a fletcher's corny dog for lunch.
we had to go to a specific gate to park and show our credentials to get in.
this meant driving halfway around the perimeter of the entire fairgrounds.
ShirleyW: do you know where that picture was taken of all of them with the carts?
I was hoping the thread title would be a clue
I was hoping it was the State Fair of Texas