FYI - Interviews with Louise Palmer about her brother Richard Davenport are at the bottom of the OP here -
JoinedPosts by darkspilver
Louise Palmer: British Parliament to bring up the two witness rule
by Diogenesister infantastic news!
louise palmer, the lass recently interviewed by a major british newspaper and a csa survivor, has tweeted the following:.
what a busy couple of days!
Anybody know about this one?
by careful ina new book has just been published called the oxford handbook of the bible in america.
in it is an article by michael gilmour, professor of new testament at (the evangelical) providence university college in manitoba, canada, on jws and the nwt.
that's chapter 41. but that is not the only time jws are brought up.
That's interesting.
Someone highlighted this book here last week:
Apparently Michael J. Gilmour has written "An Outsider’s Notes on the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand!"
Watchtowers intransigence on the 2 witness rule picked up by the BBC
by UnshackleTheChains in
Baby parts story from 1989 Awake magazine
by OrphanCrow in*this post was prompted by a reddit thread:
so.. the org makes the claim that.
"anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate.".
OrphanCrow - I was just 'completing' the story arc.
I don't need to go back 27 years, interesting though it is, to highlight a lack of accuracy.
Just this month's (November) JW Monthly Broadcast can be used to do that....
Baby parts story from 1989 Awake magazine
by OrphanCrow in*this post was prompted by a reddit thread:
so.. the org makes the claim that.
"anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate.".
steve2: I'd have thought if the consensus is that the story is a fabrication, the Awake editor needed to print a correction, as any reputable news source would need to do.
Baby parts story from 1989 Awake magazine
by OrphanCrow in*this post was prompted by a reddit thread:
so.. the org makes the claim that.
"anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate.".
OrphanCrow: This little snippet ran in the March 22nd, 1989 Awake magazine in the section Watching the World:
Interesting, thanks for the find.
But you haven't mention the letter that the US Information Agency wrote to the WT about it??
The letter was printed in the Awake! magazine... check it out here
Anyone know anything about this group?
by Moster injust wondering what anyone knows about this group:.
There was a split in Romania that still exisits today.
Some interesting comments here:
UK Jehovah's Witness Child Abuse News - All The Links from November 20 and 21, 2017
by darkspilver inin reverse order.
tuesday, november 21, 2017. .
bbc radio hereford and worcester - kathleen hallisey interviewed regarding jehovah's witness abuse cases.
annihilator: One question why do we have to go to reddit to get the links?
Good question.
For starters this forum (which is excellent), and the Reddit EXJW subreddit are two quite completely different style of forums. But IMHO the balance has shifted in even just the last couple of months.
This forum has some great and relatively in depth discussions that span weeks, months, even years. It's also an amazing repository of discussions from over the last 15 years which SImon has thankful kept all online.
Reddit is much more 'linked' based and has relatively quick-fire discussions that last a day or so.
But in the end I think it boils down to three reasons - posting limits, engagement and numbers.
POSTING LIMITS: With the relatively strict posting limits imposed here (I believe I'm on 1 new topic and 10 posts per 24 hour period) for which I understand the reasons for (spam etc etc) But actually this works out to be a disincentive to post, in case you want to post something later, but can't, because you've used up your daily limits, sometimes without realising it (there is no 'counter', there used to be), and the post is queued until some unknown time later - posters here mention how their threads and posts turn up a day or so later.
ENGAGEMENT: Although you can not really compare the 'like'/'dislike' button here with the Reddit system of using the 'upvote' button... you do compare and there is much more engagement/feedback and posts on the Reddit EXJW subreddit . Of course that's partly due to the numbers.
NUMBERS: There's more people on the Reddit EXJW subreddit . Even allowing for 'throw-away' usernames. People can read both this forum and the Reddit without 'joining' but... the Reddit EXJW subreddit seems to show around 250-350 people 'online' at any one time.
When you post a new topic on the Reddit EXJW subreddit, you can see how times the topic has been viewed - generally for me it's around 400 to 900 times - some of the link topics I've started have had 1,600 to 2,600 views. If I'm going to post, more people will benefit if I post on Reddit.
With the huge child abuse news coverage yesterday, the Reddit EXJW subreddit gained it's second highest number of new subscribers in the last five years - some 340 new subscribers.
How many new members joined here yesterday? Two. And they are both spam bots, posting spam. That's a problem. (not the spam, but the lack of numbers joining).
This forum is always going to have the deeper, longer discussions which is great. Reddit is going to have the quick-fire, fun, get the info, type discussions.
Nowadays, I'm starting to post first on Reddit, and sometimes here, second, cut-and-pasting from my Reddit topics.
UK Jehovah's Witness Child Abuse News - All The Links from November 20 and 21, 2017
by darkspilver inin reverse order.
tuesday, november 21, 2017. .
bbc radio hereford and worcester - kathleen hallisey interviewed regarding jehovah's witness abuse cases.
In reverse order
BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester - Kathleen Hallisey interviewed regarding Jehovah's Witness abuse cases
IN PRINT: The Times Newspaper - Jehovah's Witnesses 'hushed up child abuse'
IN PRINT: The Daily Mail Newspaper - Victims of Jehovah's Witness abuse 'told not to report it'
IN PRINT: The Daily Telegraph Newspaper - Jehovah’s Witnesses accused of covering up child abuse
The Daily Mail - Victims of Jehovah's Witness abuse 'told not to report it'
New York Post (US) - Jehovah’s Witnesses accused of systematically covering up sex crimes
The Daily Caller (US) - REPORT: Jehovah’s Witness Members Told Reporting Child Abuse ‘Would Bring Reproach On Jehovah’
BBC Radio Scotland - 'Good Morning Scotland': Nick tells his story
BBC TV: 'Midlands Today' - JW Abuse - UK BBC TV Video
BBC TV: 'Midlands Today' - Jehovah's Witnesses featured re:child abuse
The Daily Telegraph - Jehovah's Witnesses claim they were told not to report child sex abuse as organisation is accused of sheltering abusers
BBC Radio 4: 'PM' - Jehovah's Witnesses featured re:child abuse
The Independent - Jehovah’s Witnesses deny sexual abuse within church was covered up
BBC TV: 'News at One' - Jehovah's Witnesses featured re:child abuse
The Times - Jehovah’s Witness child abuse victims told ‘not to go to police’
NewsOK (US) - Jehovah's Witnesses 'covered up' abuse
International Business Times - Raped at the age of four, Jehovah's Witness told 'not to report' child abuse
Birmingham Mail - Jehovah's Witnesses deny telling abuse victims not to call the police
BBC News Online - Victims 'told not to report' Jehovah's Witness child abuse
BACKGROUND - (Richard Davenport)
2018 Memorial and Special Talk Speculation
by SplaneThisToMe inso we all know that the special talk titled "who really is jesus christ?
" will be given before the memorial next year which is very new.
also new this year is that the special talk will be prerecorded and given by a branch committee member rather than a brother from the local congregation.
The Big Machine: It is strange that this year it's before the Memorial rather than after like it always has been in the past.
No. They've had the Special Talk before the Memorial in the past quite a number of times.