Remember this is India - the government withdrew two banknotes (500R and 1000R) as legal currancy with just a few hours notice:
Maybe im missing something. But whats the problem with this?
haha nothing really...
But remember the darkspilver mantra: look beyond and behind what is written
The OP letter would appear to be a
re-hash from one sent out in March 2016:
Letter - March 21, 2016: Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India” (
Which itself appears to be a re-hash from one sent out in December 2013:
Letter - December 2, 2013: Re: To all Congregations who have Indian citizens as members (
Why has this been needed?
Because over the last couple of years there must have been a phenomenal growth of thousands-upon-thousands of Indian ex-pats from around the world becoming JWs - so the GB was re-issued these letters to show all these new JWs how they are uniquely positioned to be able to help spread the 'good news' back home in India