Hey slimboyfat!
good guess
it is true they are often missing - just blank pages in the bound volumes
but I don't really count those as actual 'articles'
i think these exist ?
has someone created pdf scans of original mailed or literature counter wts?
or have copies of those pdf's?.
Hey slimboyfat!
good guess
it is true they are often missing - just blank pages in the bound volumes
but I don't really count those as actual 'articles'
why did the watchtower eliminate the detailed service report (last report dec. 2008) and replace it in jan. 2009 with the field service highlights?
(sorry about the formatting).. *** km 12/08 p. 2 august service report *** (source wt library, kingdom ministry 2008 , 2009).
august service report.
steve2: Unfortunately, when I make my own tables with the excel spreadsheet, all formatting is lost when I post the tables or graphs on this forum.
you really need to convert it to a graphic and post that - not sure what you know or anything...
I think the easiest way - if you have no graphics programmes, but are using a PC computer - is first make a free imgur.com account:
1: then set up the view of the excel sheet as you want it, on your computer screen
2: take a 'screen-shot' by pressing the 'prt sc' button (print screen) - this saves the image to your copy/paste function
3: Go to imgur - click on 'new image' - then paste doing a crtl-V
4: In imgur you can do basic editing - just crop image to what you want - click save
5: Either copy/paste edited image into your forum post, or
6: in imgur, right click image with mouse and select 'view image' - then copy the url address - then in your forum post click on the 'image' button and copy the url of the image.
I prefer to use the insert image button on the forum post - I think it works better in terms of uploading etc.
why did the watchtower eliminate the detailed service report (last report dec. 2008) and replace it in jan. 2009 with the field service highlights?
(sorry about the formatting).. *** km 12/08 p. 2 august service report *** (source wt library, kingdom ministry 2008 , 2009).
august service report.
steve2: Any guidance?
always present numbers / tables as a graphic to retain formatting and legibility
does this help?
in his video he mentions an elders letter sent to germany in 07 , i believe.
in this letter if i'm understanding it correctly the elders are being instructed to send most of any information on hand about child abuse in their congregation to headquarters and any thing else they have at home or in their personal possession to destroy it.
this seams to be the most obvious case of wt telling their elders to destroy information.
FWIW, below is the English translation that the video uses - unedited by me, so it should include all of the grammatical errors aswell:
Dear Brothers
In the past years enemies and apostates have once again tried to discredit Jehovah's faithful servants through false allegations in child abuse. as you know we are always striving to uphold and maintain purity within Jehovah's congregation. Jehovah himself gave us appropriate instructions. in some certain cases, this has led to the application of biblical measures but the otherwise demands of authorities could not be respected. While we usually work closely with the law enforcement agencies it is also our godly obligation to protect the congregations from Satan's attacks. These attacks may also take the form of investigations directed at Jehovah's organization therefore we request that you review your congregation documents to isolate any documentation related to elder's meetings or judicial meetings pertaining to CONCRETE cases or suspicions of child abuse. Also include from your own personal files any pertinent documents. Please submit to us all your documents by February and There shall not be any records or copies maintained in the congregation's record supply nor any personal files. We will then collect these confidential documents for destruction. And maintain no copies of this letter for your congregation record.
With you we seek to continuously do Jehovah's will your brothers
In addition, below is a copy of the German letter as shown in the video:
on another of ,wifibandits posts of letters, one from ibsa london and one from watchtwer ireland with.
wicklow address which we viewed on google earth looks to be a sizeable and modern facility for ireland, question is, am i right that the irish branch closed or is it still operating ?.
Lostndfound: Am I right that the Irish branch closed or is it still operating ?
I believe that the Ireland Branch has been on the market to be sold since around the end of 2011.
The Ireland Branch does not appear to be listed as an office on jw.org
I thought that the Britain Branch in London now managed both parts of Ireland.
Wonder if, as seems the case, the WT have a skeleton workforce in place there? Perhaps due to a taxation issue regarding use of the buildings/property? the principle which was explained by 'the King of all Elders' - John Davies at the post below?
june 27, 2017 to all congregations in britain and northern ireland re: donations to regional conventions using jw.org.
june 27, 2017 to all congregations in ireland re: donations to regional conventions using jw.org.
AverageJoe1: I've just noticed that the UK letterhead has changed; no mention of The Watchtower at all! Is this due to the current UK Charity Commission investigation? Have they changed the name of their financial side of the organisation again?
No. I don't believe it is anything like that at all - but cool for picking it up.
As I understand it, in the UK it is specifically the IBSA - the International Bible Students Association - that arranges the annual conventions, rather that the 'Watch Tower'.
The International Bible Students Association Report of the Trustees for the Year Ended 31st August 2016 specifically highlights that they arrange convention a number of times in the report:
I don't believe the equivalent Watch Tower Trustees Report actually mentions the conventions at all:
In addition, below is a photo of a couple of example convention programmes that clearly state that they are 'arranged and directed by the International Bible Students Association.'
AverageJoe1: How come there is a different letterhead for Ireland? That branch doesn't even exist anymore as far as I'm aware!
Good question.
See: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/4753511818461184/_post/5922414816919552
i think these exist ?
has someone created pdf scans of original mailed or literature counter wts?
or have copies of those pdf's?.
TheOldHippie: Oh yeah? Give examples of what articles
Oh yeah!
It almost sounds like you don't believe darkspilver
I'll get some examples together for you
i think these exist ?
has someone created pdf scans of original mailed or literature counter wts?
or have copies of those pdf's?.
As most know the year end bound volumes contained changes and certainly the WTLIBs do.
Actually, compared to the 'individual' magazines - the 'bound volumes' (and CD-ROM) have ENTIRE articles missing
a cross-dressing jehovah’s witness raped and molested a girl while making her wear adult women’s clothes.. david fuge, 69, wore dresses and silky underwear when he repeatedly abused his blindfolded victim from the age of eight to 19.. .
liverpool crown court heard he gagged her and on one occasion tied a belt around her neck and left her hanging from a hook in a room.. he photographed the child naked, made her read pornographic magazines, beat her with a piece of wood and abused her at a golf course.. .
The Wirral Globe (more local to the actual area) gives some background to the extra 'year on licence' (emphasis added)
Liverpool Echo, 10 July 2017
Judge Norman Wright jailed Fuge for 17 years with an extended year on licence.
Wirral Globe, 10 July 2017
The judge imposed an extra year’s licence as he is classed as a person of particular concern.
a cross-dressing jehovah’s witness raped and molested a girl while making her wear adult women’s clothes.. david fuge, 69, wore dresses and silky underwear when he repeatedly abused his blindfolded victim from the age of eight to 19.. .
liverpool crown court heard he gagged her and on one occasion tied a belt around her neck and left her hanging from a hook in a room.. he photographed the child naked, made her read pornographic magazines, beat her with a piece of wood and abused her at a golf course.. .
Splash: List of elders for the Wallasey South congregation. This offender was not one of them.
Who said he was an elder?? I don't believe the article says he was?
SIDE NOTE: The Charity Commission website, listing the trustess, can be updated at any time by the individual charities - I believe the website is then automatically updated over-night to publicly display the new information the following day.
I believe the WT letter guidance tells congreagtions that they should keep it up-to-date (new elders, elders move-in, elders move-out, elders removed) - BUT most forget and only update it in January each year when they need to log in an submit their annual returns.