shepherdless: of being a heartless individual
sorry, I'm definately not meaning that: your wife (and you) where only the messengers - she was only passing on information she had been forwarded on to her by the 'local branch'
I understood that your wife had been given virtually no details, just a very brief 'nothing serious' had happened.
My point being that I don't think that if your wife had read the report on jworg first, she would have labelled it as 'nothing serious' - even if the whole 'toxic gas' escape had been an accident.
Remember the 'worldly' news reports were being labelled by some JWs as 'FAKE' (and not just as 'unconfirmed') prior to the jworg article - yet the basic details all match up.
BTW I think that the non-jworg article say that around only 45 went to hospital.