Thanks, you may also be interested in the discussion about this from a few months back....
I note that Higgerty Law have now added a link to the 'JW Class Action Lawsuit' page from the 'Class Action Lawsuit' page here:
traduction francaise disponible:
we are currently investigating a possible class action lawsuit against the watchtower bible and tract society of canada concerning alleged sexual abuse and its subsequent handling by jehovah’s witness officials.
the watchtower bible and tract society of canada has been accused of allegedly turning a blind eye to the sexual abuse that was allegedly inflicted upon child members of the congregation.. for more information, visit our website to contact us or give us a call.
Thanks, you may also be interested in the discussion about this from a few months back....
I note that Higgerty Law have now added a link to the 'JW Class Action Lawsuit' page from the 'Class Action Lawsuit' page here:
i have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
Gayle: any change in wt policy noted?
It looks like three sentences have been inserted - there is another change, but it seems to be a word change
Obvs need to wait for the English version, but in the mean-time, this is what I've spotted so far, paragraph 14 rather stands out at the bottom.....
Paragraph 1: (from Spanish via Google Translate)
Please read it in its entirety and take care to pay attention to the updated instructions in paragraphs 3, 7, 13 and 14.
Paragraph 3: (from Spanish via Google Translate)
Inserted at end: Therefore, when the victim, his parents or any other person present to the elders an accusation of this nature, they should be clearly informed about their right to file a complaint with the authorities. The elders do not criticize anyone who chooses that choice (Galatians 6: 5).
Paragraph 7: (from Spanish via Google Translate)
Paragraph 13: (from Spanish via Google Translate)
Inserted near end: Generally speaking, the elderly should be able to obtain the necessary information from the parents. In addition, it is possible that the elders already have sufficient evidence to establish the commission of the evil (chapters 5 paras 37-39).
Paragraph 14: (from Spanish via Google Translate)
Inserted at end: Although victims of sexual abuse are not prosecuted, if the body of elders considers that the congregation should take action in the case of a mature child who voluntarily participated in the commission of the wrong, two of its members should call the Department of Service before proceeding.
i have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
this appears to be a replacement for
August 1, 2016 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse
which in turn replaced
October 1, 2012 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Child abuse
(hat tip
it's been a while since they've had a listing or a sale..
FYI this seems to be getting some media coverage now....
Jehovah’s Witnesses Put Their Last Empty Lot in Brooklyn Up for Sale
Brownstoner, Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Jehovah’s Witnesses have been gradually selling off their massive Brooklyn real estate portfolio, and they’ve now put their last empty Brooklyn lot up for sale.
The triangular shaped parking lot at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge in Dumbo has the potential to become a mixed-use building of 14 stories. Known as 1 York Street or 30 Front Street, it is for sale for an undisclosed sum — and could fetch in the neighborhood of $54 million, or about $300 per buildable square foot — if history is anything to go by.
Jehovah’s Witnesses list their last development site in Dumbo
Curbed, Thursday, August 31, 2017
The property at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge could give rise to a mixed-use building
The Jehovah’s Witnesses have listed a triangular lot near the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge, the group’s last development site in Dumbo. The property at 30 Front Street, or 1 York Street, could accommodate a 14-story mixed-use building.
and the money keeps rolling in.
The second sale, at 97 Columbia Heights, is slated to close shortly — for an undisclosed, but larger, sum
LA firm scoops up Jehovah’s Witnesses building for $58M
The Real Deal, Thursday, August 31, 2017
Hawkins Way Capital purchased 97-unit 97 Columbia Heights
The Jehovah’s Witnesses sold off another piece of their dwindling Brooklyn real estate portfolio to Los Angeles-based real estate investor Hawkins Way Capital for $58 million.
Hawkins bought the 12-story, 97-unit apartment building at 97 Columbia Heights, according to Leslie J. Garfield Real Estate.
the manipulative use of language by the org in the upcoming circuit assembly talks is as good - or better - than any advertising conglomerate could devise.
the mind-shaping wording is clearly used in order to deter critical thinking by the sheep.. face bad reports as jesus did (9 min.
note to the speaker: explain why spiritually mature people do not become ashamed of the good news or dismayed when faced with negative propaganda.
I provided a link to prove the veracity of your OP's quotes - and in doing so I was backing up the truthfulness of those quotes.
I truthfully answered Sugar Shane's question regarding the hierarchical usage of the PDF talk outline from which your OP's quotes are from.
the manipulative use of language by the org in the upcoming circuit assembly talks is as good - or better - than any advertising conglomerate could devise.
the mind-shaping wording is clearly used in order to deter critical thinking by the sheep.. face bad reports as jesus did (9 min.
note to the speaker: explain why spiritually mature people do not become ashamed of the good news or dismayed when faced with negative propaganda.
The Fall Guy: I strongly beg to differ with DARKSPILVER's (and the org's) wishful thinking;
Really? Please read the context of Sugar Shane's question and my reply.
Sugar Shane: I read the PDF copy. Is this something that the R&F would normally have access to? Just wondering, because when I (a non-JW) showed a JW guy the copy of the "Sheperd Flock of God" book that I downloaded to my I-pad, from the ARC exhibits list, he pretty much freaked out. It was weird, but kind of amusing at the time. This was a couple years ago.
Just wondering if this "Face Bad Reports" document would illicit a similar reaction from an average JW 'publisher.'
My factual reply was that the PDF is NOT something that the R&F would normally have access to - that was a factual answer, not an opinion.
Remember in your own OP you (misleadingly?) made it sound like the talk was part of the actual Circuit Assembly, to be attended by all R&F -
The Fall Guy: the upcoming Circuit Assembly talks is as good....
it was me who contextualised what you had quoted - that it was part of the annual regular pioneer meeting - and it was me who provided a link to the actual PDF outline for the benefit of those reading this thread.
he's sounding more like a dub everyday, sounds like one of their lame excuses.. i don't think the city asked the furniture and the mosque that opened to shelter people, and a pastor, one who supposedly helps people was waiting for the city?
he's just lying, that's why that response reminds me of the borg.
just my religious rant for the day, can't stand religious people of stature who spew out false statements..
the manipulative use of language by the org in the upcoming circuit assembly talks is as good - or better - than any advertising conglomerate could devise.
the mind-shaping wording is clearly used in order to deter critical thinking by the sheep.. face bad reports as jesus did (9 min.
note to the speaker: explain why spiritually mature people do not become ashamed of the good news or dismayed when faced with negative propaganda.
Sugar Shane: I read the PDF copy. Is this something that the R&F would normally have access to?
No and no.
Firstly, ONLY the person giving the actual talk would have access to the actual PDF talk outline (plus a couple of higher-ups organising the meeting) - the R&F elders and publishers would not have access to it.
Secondly, the outline is for a talk that is ONLY being given to regular pioneers - the R&F elders and publishers will not even hear or know about this talk.
See my earlier post:
a poster commenting on the houston sit and closed kh's made reference to '9/11' referring to the failure of the wt/bethel to offer first aid support to people fleeing from the crashes.. could someone enlighten me please..
Hey zeb - have you been to New York?
The Brooklyn Bridge is a high bridge and on the Brooklyn side it stays high and goes right past the Bethel.
I think the first exit (via stairs, at Washington Street) is shown in the picture below (left hand side) - thus to get to bethel (right hand side), you would need to exit and turn round and 'go back' on yourself walking along fairly blank roads (no shops, not much residential) - I think the only ones who would do that would be JWs - every one else would just carry-on walking away and doing their best to get home.
Therefore I would have thought that there would have been a very limited footfall of people going past the actual bethel?
Yes, bethelites could have gone out to help at the exit points from the Bridge (there is another further away), may be some did? may be they could have done more?
But I think the vision some may have of thousands of thousands of people walking directly past the front (or side) entrance of bethel as they escape Manhattan is wrong.