Lee Elder: Orphan Crow wrote the article
haha, yeah, thanks - re-reading it, TBH not a big surprise
Bobcat: I don't have WT Library on this device but it would be interesting to see how many times hits his name would get on a search
Excluding a photo label, the WT only quotes him directly by name twice in the 'public' publications (as per the WT CD-Rom), which are the two quotes that Orphan Crow uses in full in her article:
Awake 8 January 2000
"All those dealing with blood and caring for surgical patients have to consider bloodless surgery." - Dr. Joachim Boldt, professor of anesthesiology, Ludwigshafen, Germany
'Bloodless surgery is not only for Jehovah's Witnesses but for all patients. I think that every doctor should be engaged in it.' - Dr. Joachim Boldt, professor of anesthesiology, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
In addition, Joachim Boldt does not appears in any of the three WT videos regarding blood: Transfusion-Alternative Strategies—Simple, Safe, Effective (2000);2001, No Blood—Medicine Meets the Challenge (2001); and Transfusion-Alternative Health Care—Meeting Patient Needs and Rights (2002).
Also, apart from the above single January 2000 Awake article, Joachim Boldt does not currently appear to be quoted anywhere else on the jworg website.