carla: Haven't they historically begged for money in late Oct- November? maybe more subtle, but I do remember Nov. seemed to be the time they would have articles about giving blah, blah, blah....
Yes, they publish an article in the WT around that time, along with a BOX detailing all the ways the R&F can donate
FYI below is a list of the magazines it has been in from the last 15 years - along with the associated article titles:
- Watchtower November 2017: “The Generous Person Will Be Blessed”
- Watchtower November 2016: "The Work Is Great"
- Watchtower November 15, 2015: Show Appreciation for Jehovah’s Generosity
- Watchtower December 15, 2014: Jehovah Richly Blesses a Willing Spirit
- Watchtower November 15, 2013: How We Can Help to Meet the Needs of Others
- Watchtower November 15, 2012: Their Surplus Offset a Deficiency
- Watchtower November 15, 2011: Do You Find Joy in "the Privilege of Kindly Giving"?
- Watchtower November 15, 2010: 'Let Us Present Jehovah's Offering'
- Watchtower November 15, 2009: Cheerful Giving From the Heart
- Watchtower November 15, 2008: Serving God With “One Heart and Soul"
- Watchtower November 1, 2007: "The Silver Is Mine, and the Gold Is Mine"
- Watchtower November 1, 2006: Unitedly Building to Praise God
- Watchtower November 1, 2005: Contributions That Warm God's Heart
- Watchtower November 1, 2004: Do You Know the Happiness That Comes From Giving?
- Watchtower November 1, 2003: Cultivate a Giving Spirit
See also